WEBVTT 00:02.240 --> 00:04.462 All right , good evening everybody . My 00:04.462 --> 00:06.629 name is Mr Mercado and I'm with the 27 00:06.629 --> 00:08.796 special operations wing public affairs 00:08.796 --> 00:11.900 team on the call with this tonight are 00:11.910 --> 00:14.770 all of those that are both uh community 00:14.780 --> 00:17.840 individuals and uh those from the 00:17.850 --> 00:20.290 military base here at Cannon . And we 00:20.290 --> 00:22.401 are welcome to have you were happy to 00:22.401 --> 00:24.650 have you join us in our quarterly P 00:24.650 --> 00:28.230 four P . Fola call update . So before 00:28.230 --> 00:30.290 we get started I'd like to make a 00:30.290 --> 00:32.610 couple of introductions . So first and 00:32.610 --> 00:35.010 foremost I would like to introduce 00:35.020 --> 00:36.798 everyone on the call to our new 00:36.798 --> 00:39.710 commander . Colonel Colonel Taylor has 00:39.710 --> 00:42.310 been with us since this summer , um 00:42.320 --> 00:44.770 taking the helm run around the end of 00:44.770 --> 00:46.992 june or early july , we're very excited 00:46.992 --> 00:48.992 to have him here at Cannon and we'd 00:48.992 --> 00:51.159 like to introduce you to him before we 00:51.159 --> 00:53.381 get started . So Colonel Taylor , would 00:53.381 --> 00:56.120 you like to say a few words ? Thanks Mr 00:56.120 --> 00:58.009 I appreciate it . Hey , uh really 00:58.009 --> 01:00.176 quickly just want to welcome everybody 01:00.176 --> 01:02.231 to the call . Mayor Morris , Good to 01:02.231 --> 01:04.398 see you uh all the community members , 01:04.398 --> 01:06.900 representatives from the local and 01:06.910 --> 01:09.250 national government uh and our fellow 01:09.250 --> 01:11.550 Air Force partners here , welcome to 01:11.550 --> 01:13.272 you all just by way of cricket 01:13.340 --> 01:15.820 reduction as misty said , uh just 01:15.820 --> 01:18.100 stepped into the 27 South Command City 01:18.110 --> 01:21.170 at the end of july and since then have 01:21.170 --> 01:23.320 been getting familiar acquainted 01:23.330 --> 01:26.260 educated on the current environmental 01:26.260 --> 01:29.000 PFS situation along with our mitigation 01:29.000 --> 01:31.222 efforts on the U . S . Air Force side . 01:31.222 --> 01:33.333 I think the big thing for me that I'd 01:33.333 --> 01:35.570 like to relay with that is just the 01:35.580 --> 01:38.620 renewed or continued commitment to the 01:38.620 --> 01:41.080 community . We are absolutely committed 01:41.080 --> 01:43.136 partners in this effort to level the 01:43.136 --> 01:45.790 information and to be responsive . You 01:45.790 --> 01:48.560 know , we are with approximately 7800 01:48.560 --> 01:50.790 employees here on base in another over 01:50.800 --> 01:53.240 14,000 affiliated with the base . We 01:53.240 --> 01:55.407 are absolutely a part of the community 01:55.407 --> 01:57.184 here . So we , we have a vested 01:57.184 --> 01:59.640 interest to and in ensuring that this , 01:59.640 --> 02:02.420 this situation is resolved on a 02:02.420 --> 02:04.642 personal note . My family lives here on 02:04.642 --> 02:06.698 the installation as well as over 500 02:06.698 --> 02:08.809 military families . And so we're also 02:08.809 --> 02:10.809 interested in ensuring that we have 02:10.809 --> 02:13.270 clean consumable water for the health 02:13.270 --> 02:15.270 and the well being of everyone . So 02:15.540 --> 02:17.762 moving forward again , you know , we're 02:17.762 --> 02:19.596 just committed to continuing our 02:19.596 --> 02:21.818 quarterly updates here and to make sure 02:21.818 --> 02:23.929 everyone has access to the most up to 02:23.929 --> 02:26.096 date in current information possible . 02:26.096 --> 02:28.610 So with that I'll turn it over to mayor 02:28.610 --> 02:30.832 Morris for any opening comments that he 02:30.832 --> 02:31.760 has . Thank you 02:34.640 --> 02:36.370 appreciate that Colonel Taylor 02:37.040 --> 02:39.207 greetings to you and and the team that 02:39.207 --> 02:41.429 Cannon , our friends and neighbors that 02:41.429 --> 02:43.540 can appreciate that . And also closed 02:43.540 --> 02:45.707 everyone who's joined the meeting this 02:45.707 --> 02:47.596 evening from the port Alice or or 02:47.596 --> 02:51.100 closed communities and uh , echo the 02:51.110 --> 02:53.110 sentiments uh , that you're talking 02:53.110 --> 02:55.054 about Colonel taylor when you talk 02:55.054 --> 02:56.943 about the partnership between the 02:56.943 --> 02:58.888 community and can in fact , I just 02:58.888 --> 03:01.010 consider us friends and neighbors 03:01.020 --> 03:03.770 considered canon , uh , mortality close 03:03.770 --> 03:07.060 to be uh , one community . And in fact , 03:07.060 --> 03:09.060 and so , uh , you know , appreciate 03:09.060 --> 03:11.171 that spirit in which you bring this . 03:11.171 --> 03:13.393 Uh thanks for for the update . I'd like 03:13.393 --> 03:15.227 to think those that are going to 03:15.227 --> 03:17.449 present in advance for your update this 03:17.449 --> 03:20.500 evening . Uh as you can imagine as 03:20.500 --> 03:22.500 mayor and speaking on behalf of the 03:22.500 --> 03:24.750 citizens of Clovis , we are we are 03:24.750 --> 03:27.810 growing more and more anxious to hear 03:27.820 --> 03:31.140 you know meaningful uh solid 03:31.140 --> 03:33.620 information in these updates . And so I 03:33.620 --> 03:36.500 think in advance for that and we look 03:36.500 --> 03:39.060 forward to hearing more detail about 03:39.060 --> 03:42.800 the plan for mitigation um as well 03:42.800 --> 03:44.800 as uh you know , the progress being 03:44.800 --> 03:46.800 made against that plan . So again , 03:46.800 --> 03:49.022 thanks in advance to the presenters for 03:49.022 --> 03:51.133 the update and thank you for the time 03:51.133 --> 03:50.660 this evening . 03:58.440 --> 04:00.607 Okay , so just a couple of things real 04:00.607 --> 04:02.960 quick so that everybody is familiar 04:02.960 --> 04:04.910 with how this , how we're going to 04:04.910 --> 04:07.370 facilitate tonight's meeting . Um we 04:07.370 --> 04:09.530 have chris kirky that's with us from 04:09.530 --> 04:12.060 the Air Force civil engineering . Uh he 04:12.060 --> 04:14.227 is going to be the one who is going to 04:14.227 --> 04:16.393 host the information on the slide deck 04:16.393 --> 04:18.504 that you have in front of you . Now , 04:18.504 --> 04:20.616 if you have questions we ask that you 04:20.616 --> 04:22.671 hold your questions until the end of 04:22.671 --> 04:24.727 the call . You may also use the chat 04:24.727 --> 04:26.782 feature that's on zoom to be able to 04:26.782 --> 04:28.838 input any questions that you have or 04:28.838 --> 04:31.004 that you want asked . So the questions 04:31.004 --> 04:33.116 that you do put in the chat call , we 04:33.116 --> 04:35.282 will be asking of chris allowed at the 04:35.282 --> 04:37.060 end of his presentation so that 04:37.060 --> 04:39.171 everybody gets an opportunity to hear 04:39.171 --> 04:41.338 both the question and the answer . The 04:41.338 --> 04:43.504 only other thing that we ask you is to 04:43.504 --> 04:45.727 please make sure you keep your phone on 04:45.727 --> 04:45.340 mute so that we're not disturbed 04:45.350 --> 04:47.180 background noises and hold your 04:47.180 --> 04:49.347 questions till the end of the call and 04:49.347 --> 04:51.291 we look forward to the update . So 04:51.291 --> 04:53.402 chris I'm gonna turn it over to you . 04:56.240 --> 04:57.460 Thank you misty . 05:01.140 --> 05:03.650 Oh come on . 05:05.540 --> 05:09.460 Okay so again my name is Christopher 05:09.460 --> 05:11.640 Gherkin . Many of you may know me but 05:11.640 --> 05:13.862 for those that you don't and are new to 05:13.862 --> 05:16.084 this meeting , I'm the remedial project 05:16.084 --> 05:18.196 manager here at Cannon Air Force Base 05:18.196 --> 05:20.418 responsible for the restoration program 05:20.418 --> 05:22.840 and heading up the project management 05:22.840 --> 05:26.210 for RP fast investigation . So with 05:26.210 --> 05:29.000 that we'll get into going over our 05:29.000 --> 05:32.050 slides today and I wanted to start off 05:32.050 --> 05:34.600 with our engineering evaluation , cost 05:34.600 --> 05:37.220 analysis , pilot study and give a brief 05:37.220 --> 05:39.387 update where we're at . And again what 05:39.387 --> 05:41.442 this is as part of the Comprehensive 05:41.442 --> 05:43.670 Environmental Response compensation and 05:43.670 --> 05:45.880 liability act . Or commonly heard as 05:45.890 --> 05:48.760 circle it and ECA is required to 05:48.760 --> 05:50.820 satisfy our environmental review 05:50.820 --> 05:53.570 requirements for any interim responses . 05:53.570 --> 05:56.360 So what that means is as we're going 05:56.360 --> 05:58.950 through this investigation before we 05:58.950 --> 06:01.980 are able to execute any interim 06:01.990 --> 06:04.140 responses before the final 06:04.200 --> 06:07.120 investigation is completed . We must 06:07.120 --> 06:09.700 complete this zika . So this completes 06:09.700 --> 06:12.010 that administrative requirement that we 06:12.010 --> 06:15.200 must check that box . Now with this we 06:15.210 --> 06:18.030 also were able to tie in a pilot study 06:18.030 --> 06:19.974 which is going to be a small scale 06:19.974 --> 06:21.974 treatment system that's entirely on 06:21.974 --> 06:24.030 base and I'll talk a little bit more 06:24.030 --> 06:25.752 about that in the next slide . 06:28.540 --> 06:32.160 Okay , so with our 06:32.160 --> 06:35.640 pilot study , these two pictures here 06:35.640 --> 06:38.020 show a little bit of the give a little 06:38.020 --> 06:40.560 bit of the understanding of why we 06:40.560 --> 06:42.782 chose the location that we did and pick 06:42.782 --> 06:46.590 the pilot study for this echo . So on 06:46.590 --> 06:49.670 the left side you will see contours of 06:49.680 --> 06:52.450 our aquifer and you can see the green 06:52.450 --> 06:55.360 shaded area are deeper paleo channels 06:55.840 --> 06:57.840 and then on the right it's going to 06:57.840 --> 06:59.562 show you that groundwater flow 06:59.562 --> 07:01.784 direction which is generally flowing in 07:01.784 --> 07:03.729 the southeast direction . And then 07:03.729 --> 07:05.451 those small orange dots on the 07:05.451 --> 07:08.690 southeast border of our base are the 07:08.690 --> 07:11.610 larger concentrations of p fast impact 07:11.610 --> 07:14.060 that were discovered during our site 07:14.070 --> 07:17.260 inspection of RP fast investigation . 07:17.740 --> 07:20.040 So taking all three of those together , 07:20.050 --> 07:22.272 we decided that that would be the prime 07:22.272 --> 07:24.580 location to put this pilot study and 07:24.580 --> 07:26.636 what that pilot study is going to do 07:26.636 --> 07:29.050 for us is gather additional information 07:29.060 --> 07:32.070 to put into that zika and give us a 07:32.080 --> 07:34.247 better , well rounded Eca which at the 07:34.247 --> 07:36.413 end of that what that zika is going to 07:36.413 --> 07:39.420 provide to us is a list of different 07:39.420 --> 07:41.587 opportunities and different what's the 07:41.587 --> 07:45.540 best interim response that we 07:45.540 --> 07:47.540 can put in place here at Cannon Air 07:47.540 --> 07:49.707 Force Base based on the information we 07:49.707 --> 07:51.818 have currently , the other thing that 07:51.818 --> 07:54.040 this treatment plant is going to do for 07:54.040 --> 07:56.151 us is it's going to have a lot of the 07:56.151 --> 07:58.373 infrastructure there . So at the end of 07:58.373 --> 08:00.540 this process , if the eca does tell us 08:00.540 --> 08:02.762 that a full scale pump and treat system 08:02.762 --> 08:04.929 is the most viable option to treat the 08:04.929 --> 08:07.800 aquifer will have a lot of the main 08:07.800 --> 08:09.967 infrastructure there . And what I mean 08:09.967 --> 08:12.133 by that is this building will be built 08:12.133 --> 08:14.300 in a way that it's flexible . So if we 08:14.300 --> 08:16.467 need to full scale it up we don't have 08:16.467 --> 08:18.300 to build another building , it's 08:18.300 --> 08:20.300 already there , we'll just put more 08:20.300 --> 08:22.356 extraction wells and injection wells 08:22.356 --> 08:25.310 and we can expand it very rapidly . Now 08:25.310 --> 08:28.330 with this the water will be taken out 08:28.330 --> 08:30.163 of the ground and treated at the 08:30.163 --> 08:32.390 treatment plant and then be reinjected 08:32.390 --> 08:35.720 back into the aquifer to go back and 08:35.720 --> 08:38.830 replenish that . So in it will be a net 08:38.830 --> 08:40.960 zero effect on the aquifer Excel . 08:43.340 --> 08:46.190 Now where we're at in this project in 08:46.190 --> 08:48.630 the whole is we have awarded it , we've 08:48.630 --> 08:50.686 completed our initial site visit and 08:50.686 --> 08:52.780 kick off meeting , they've completed 08:52.780 --> 08:55.730 their sampling event and they have also 08:55.740 --> 08:57.990 completed the work , plans for both the 08:58.000 --> 08:59.944 aquifer test and the treat ability 08:59.944 --> 09:02.360 study which they are currently in the 09:02.360 --> 09:05.710 process of doing the treat ability 09:05.710 --> 09:07.766 study which that portion is going to 09:07.766 --> 09:10.250 tell us whether a granulated active 09:10.250 --> 09:12.900 carbon or an ion exchange or a 09:12.900 --> 09:15.150 combination of the two is going to be 09:15.160 --> 09:17.740 the best method for treating the 09:17.740 --> 09:20.330 groundwater and then they will be 09:20.330 --> 09:22.900 actually starting field work for the 09:22.900 --> 09:25.067 aquifer test here within the next week 09:25.067 --> 09:27.800 or two . So we are rapidly moving 09:27.800 --> 09:31.270 through this process . Once those two 09:31.270 --> 09:33.437 stages of this are done they will take 09:33.437 --> 09:35.870 that data and then put it into the 09:35.870 --> 09:38.290 design phase where they're going to 09:38.300 --> 09:41.020 come up with the best pilot study for 09:41.020 --> 09:43.250 this . And again keeping in mind as 09:43.250 --> 09:45.472 they design this , making sure that the 09:45.472 --> 09:47.850 in product will be flexible so that way 09:48.040 --> 09:50.207 when the final echoes there again , if 09:50.207 --> 09:52.373 it tells us that a full scale pump and 09:52.373 --> 09:54.820 treat system is the best option we can 09:54.820 --> 09:56.850 go right into that and expand this 09:56.850 --> 10:00.640 system fully . Uh huh . Uh 10:00.640 --> 10:04.530 huh . Now for an update where we're at 10:04.530 --> 10:06.860 with our remedial investigation we have 10:06.860 --> 10:08.840 completed our work planet has been 10:08.840 --> 10:12.760 finalized as of September one fieldwork 10:12.760 --> 10:14.482 will be commencing shortly . I 10:14.482 --> 10:16.990 currently have my contractor mobilizing 10:16.990 --> 10:19.190 on base and getting their operations 10:19.190 --> 10:21.880 set up here . First field work to be 10:21.880 --> 10:24.040 completed will be off base while 10:24.040 --> 10:26.360 sampling and soul sampling and with 10:26.360 --> 10:28.580 that it's very important for everyone 10:28.590 --> 10:30.980 to understand that the landowners must 10:30.980 --> 10:33.091 give permission before samples can be 10:33.091 --> 10:35.260 collected . So right now we're working 10:35.260 --> 10:38.190 on those access agreements that both 10:38.200 --> 10:41.020 the base and the landowners must sign 10:41.030 --> 10:43.150 before I can get my contractors out 10:43.150 --> 10:45.330 there to collect these samples and 10:45.330 --> 10:48.040 again that is very important because 10:48.040 --> 10:50.310 that's going to help us into the next 10:50.310 --> 10:52.400 stages of where would be the best 10:52.400 --> 10:55.080 places to put our new groundwater 10:55.080 --> 10:58.940 monitoring wells off base . Yeah , 10:59.440 --> 11:02.780 uh huh . With 11:02.780 --> 11:05.480 that again , just to kind of reiterate 11:05.490 --> 11:07.880 the air force's commitment and focus on 11:07.880 --> 11:11.760 investigating the p fast impact here 11:11.770 --> 11:13.992 at Cannon , both on and off base . This 11:13.992 --> 11:16.380 is , it's about $31 million dollars 11:16.380 --> 11:19.060 that has been spent to date . And as we 11:19.070 --> 11:21.292 go through this process , these numbers 11:21.292 --> 11:23.350 will increase and as we continue 11:23.350 --> 11:25.683 through these quarterly public meetings , 11:25.683 --> 11:27.794 you'll see additional costs that will 11:27.794 --> 11:28.850 be added to this . 11:32.640 --> 11:34.910 Now with our , I wanted to touch back 11:34.920 --> 11:37.250 because uh we have finalized this , I'd 11:37.250 --> 11:39.194 like to thank those members of the 11:39.194 --> 11:41.083 community that respond to the rab 11:41.083 --> 11:43.680 solicitation based on those results . 11:43.680 --> 11:45.847 The decision was made not to establish 11:45.847 --> 11:48.470 a rabbit this time . A full MFR can be 11:48.470 --> 11:50.581 found at the address that shown , but 11:50.581 --> 11:52.470 in short , the results of the rab 11:52.470 --> 11:54.192 solicitation substantiates the 11:54.192 --> 11:56.470 community's interest in PFS impact . 11:56.480 --> 11:59.150 And we remain committed to ongoing 11:59.150 --> 12:00.817 quarterly public meetings for 12:00.817 --> 12:02.983 transparency , public participation in 12:02.983 --> 12:04.940 the benefit of the community . And 12:04.940 --> 12:06.940 again , I want to reiterate that we 12:06.940 --> 12:09.162 have our remedial investigation . Field 12:09.162 --> 12:11.329 work is starting our co pilot study is 12:11.329 --> 12:13.496 the first step towards implementing an 12:13.496 --> 12:15.496 interim response which will both be 12:15.496 --> 12:17.690 continued to discuss thoroughly 12:17.690 --> 12:19.579 throughout all of these quarterly 12:19.579 --> 12:21.746 public meetings and these meetings are 12:21.746 --> 12:24.060 going to go on throughout the entire 12:24.640 --> 12:27.430 investigation process and cleanup 12:27.430 --> 12:28.750 process through this . 12:32.940 --> 12:35.270 So and then just to kind of wrap it 12:35.270 --> 12:37.560 back up going forward again , the eca 12:37.560 --> 12:40.360 pilot study were at the aquifer test 12:40.360 --> 12:42.830 and the treat ability study phase those 12:42.830 --> 12:44.941 two once completed those are going to 12:44.941 --> 12:47.410 go into our design build phase portion 12:47.410 --> 12:50.540 of it are remedial investigation . We 12:50.540 --> 12:52.762 have contractors that are mobilizing in 12:52.762 --> 12:55.240 the field as of yesterday that 12:55.240 --> 12:58.670 fieldwork will start off base with the 12:58.680 --> 13:01.590 well samples and soil samples and again 13:01.600 --> 13:03.840 getting the landowners to give us 13:03.840 --> 13:06.090 permissions is a must before we can 13:06.090 --> 13:08.257 collect those samples and then further 13:08.257 --> 13:10.368 determine what that nature and extent 13:10.368 --> 13:12.560 of the plume is . And again all this 13:12.560 --> 13:14.616 information that we gather from this 13:14.616 --> 13:16.782 room medial investigation will also be 13:16.782 --> 13:19.140 filtered back into the Ika and fully 13:19.140 --> 13:21.860 inform what all kinds of interim 13:22.240 --> 13:24.240 responses that could potentially be 13:24.240 --> 13:27.430 taken . And then our next quarterly 13:27.430 --> 13:29.652 public meeting right now is tentatively 13:29.652 --> 13:33.340 planned for December 15 of 2021 . I'm 13:33.340 --> 13:35.507 going to try to keep these meetings as 13:35.507 --> 13:37.770 consistent as I can so they should be 13:37.770 --> 13:39.826 hopefully happening that same middle 13:39.826 --> 13:41.850 week Wednesdays of each of the same 13:41.850 --> 13:44.450 months as they've been happening so far . 13:46.940 --> 13:49.280 Now I know last time that we had this 13:49.280 --> 13:51.336 meeting there were several questions 13:51.336 --> 13:53.502 that were brought up about the ability 13:53.502 --> 13:56.310 to see the work plans with those being 13:56.310 --> 13:58.477 finalized . They have been uploaded to 13:58.477 --> 14:00.610 the aft check they are and so these 14:00.610 --> 14:02.666 slides will both be available on the 14:02.666 --> 14:05.560 recorded version of this at our p a 14:05.560 --> 14:08.320 website on the environmental tab and 14:08.320 --> 14:11.620 then also the recording of this and the 14:11.620 --> 14:14.050 slides will both be there . Now we have 14:14.050 --> 14:16.190 the R . I . Work plan that will be 14:16.190 --> 14:18.300 uploaded shortly but I've already 14:18.310 --> 14:20.750 earmarked that are numbers so that way 14:20.750 --> 14:22.861 you'll have it and it will be easy to 14:22.861 --> 14:24.972 reference and then the aquifer test , 14:24.972 --> 14:27.083 work plan and the treat ability study 14:27.083 --> 14:28.917 work plan have both already been 14:28.917 --> 14:30.806 uploaded there for your reference 14:33.640 --> 14:35.751 and then again from our first meeting 14:35.751 --> 14:37.973 it was requested that we would continue 14:37.973 --> 14:40.140 to have common acronyms at the end and 14:40.140 --> 14:42.251 I'll continue to have those and if we 14:42.251 --> 14:44.418 find more that are commonly used we'll 14:44.418 --> 14:46.640 continue to update that for anyone that 14:46.640 --> 14:50.330 needs it . So with 14:50.330 --> 14:53.220 that again I appreciate everybody's 14:53.230 --> 14:55.341 involvement with this . And one thing 14:55.341 --> 14:57.452 that I did also want to say before we 14:57.452 --> 15:01.060 open it up for questions is uh feedback 15:01.070 --> 15:03.880 any input on how we can grow these 15:03.880 --> 15:06.010 meetings because this is a community 15:06.010 --> 15:09.490 involvement meeting here is for not 15:09.490 --> 15:11.740 only for me to involve the community 15:11.740 --> 15:14.190 and give you all updates on where we're 15:14.200 --> 15:16.840 at but I would like feedback to on what 15:16.840 --> 15:18.896 you would like to see so that way we 15:18.896 --> 15:20.896 can continue growing these and keep 15:20.896 --> 15:24.400 these valid for everyone . So with that 15:24.410 --> 15:28.220 I will open it up for questions and we 15:28.220 --> 15:31.450 can go from there chris before we get 15:31.450 --> 15:34.390 started we do have a question from Mr 15:34.390 --> 15:37.070 Pyle . Um the question in the chat room 15:37.070 --> 15:39.790 is how many landowner agreements have 15:39.790 --> 15:42.950 you got signed on samples and how many 15:42.950 --> 15:45.300 are still pending ? Is that a question 15:45.300 --> 15:47.540 that you have readily have an answer 15:47.540 --> 15:49.960 for ? Right now ? There are 10 15:49.960 --> 15:51.793 agreements that are being routed 15:51.793 --> 15:53.793 through the wing for signature once 15:53.793 --> 15:55.890 those have been completed and they 15:55.890 --> 15:58.057 should be completed here fairly soon . 15:58.057 --> 16:00.112 Will be going out to those different 16:00.112 --> 16:03.210 landowners to take it to them . So this 16:03.220 --> 16:05.220 this was a great opportunity that I 16:05.220 --> 16:07.220 wanted to kind of preface this with 16:07.220 --> 16:09.640 everybody that these are coming and 16:09.640 --> 16:11.584 it's very important that we do get 16:11.584 --> 16:13.800 these signs so that way we can get out 16:13.800 --> 16:16.610 there and do this work . So these are 16:16.620 --> 16:20.360 in routing right now . So of course 16:20.360 --> 16:23.030 I'll add to that . This is rick masters 16:23.040 --> 16:26.050 I received them today . I am doing my 16:26.050 --> 16:28.490 initial review and then they should be 16:28.490 --> 16:32.090 to Colonel taylor for signature . Uh no 16:32.090 --> 16:34.460 later than friday . If not by tomorrow . 16:34.470 --> 16:36.960 Over thank you sir . 16:42.540 --> 16:44.707 Okay at this time we'd like to open it 16:44.707 --> 16:46.818 up to any individuals that are on the 16:46.818 --> 16:49.040 call that would like to ask questions . 16:49.040 --> 16:51.262 Just please make sure you and your mind 16:51.270 --> 16:53.270 if you're on a desktop you can find 16:53.270 --> 16:55.159 your mute at the bottom left hand 16:55.159 --> 16:57.381 corner of your screen . Um You can also 16:57.381 --> 16:59.730 find it on your cell phone . Um if you 16:59.730 --> 17:01.786 tap on the screen it should pop up , 17:11.940 --> 17:15.840 are you waiting on me ? Mr Bradley ? If 17:15.840 --> 17:18.007 you have a question . The floor is all 17:18.007 --> 17:21.810 yours . Thank you appreciate it . Uh I 17:21.820 --> 17:23.840 know that the mexican Environment 17:23.840 --> 17:26.960 Department recently did a voluntary 17:26.970 --> 17:30.230 testing program out in this area . Have 17:30.230 --> 17:33.000 you coordinated with with them and can 17:33.000 --> 17:36.600 you use their information to get the 17:36.600 --> 17:39.660 size of this blue ? Now when you say 17:39.660 --> 17:42.770 voluntary testing are you referring to 17:42.780 --> 17:46.160 the the ongoing work that they're doing 17:46.640 --> 17:49.440 okay ? Because I know that we're 17:49.440 --> 17:51.496 actually coordinating with them were 17:51.496 --> 17:54.020 having their contractors coming out and 17:54.020 --> 17:56.220 we'll be doing work at our base and 17:56.220 --> 17:58.553 we'll be taking split samples with them . 17:58.553 --> 18:01.820 Uh As far as I know their data is not 18:01.820 --> 18:03.931 available but once their data becomes 18:03.931 --> 18:06.550 available uh we would take a look at 18:06.550 --> 18:08.661 that and we do coordinate and provide 18:08.661 --> 18:11.260 them any of our data as we finalize it 18:11.440 --> 18:13.496 we provide them copies of all of our 18:13.496 --> 18:17.260 data to . Okay and along that same 18:17.260 --> 18:20.420 line I know that in the beginning we 18:20.420 --> 18:23.370 were told that uh in preliminary 18:23.370 --> 18:26.370 testing and now this is over a year ago 18:26.380 --> 18:29.400 probably probably two years ago That 18:29.410 --> 18:32.230 the air force did some testing in a 18:32.240 --> 18:35.360 about a five mile radius . Ah 18:35.940 --> 18:39.730 uh of the base Are outside of 18:39.740 --> 18:43.030 about five miles out . Can you can you 18:43.030 --> 18:47.020 tell us uh what was the further ist 18:47.030 --> 18:50.700 positive testing ? Well from the south 18:50.700 --> 18:53.850 going south east from the base . 18:55.140 --> 18:58.300 Um I don't I don't name I'm just I'm 18:58.300 --> 19:01.230 curious . I don't know and I can 19:01.230 --> 19:03.670 picture it on the map that we went over 19:03.670 --> 19:07.350 in the first . I'm trying to think 19:07.840 --> 19:10.170 that's something that I could take away 19:10.180 --> 19:13.160 and uh see what we can come up with for 19:13.160 --> 19:15.104 you on that because I don't have a 19:15.104 --> 19:18.470 definitive answer on mileage . I can 19:18.470 --> 19:21.150 tell you that it was within the four 19:21.150 --> 19:24.460 mile range . For sure . Uh 19:26.440 --> 19:28.551 And I want to say that it wasn't very 19:28.551 --> 19:31.610 far off the baseline , it was within 19:31.610 --> 19:35.050 line of sight of the okay 19:37.740 --> 19:40.960 hey chris kirky this is uh crystal , 19:41.080 --> 19:43.460 please excuse the interruption . Um Mr 19:43.460 --> 19:45.680 Brown . Yes and I do recall that and 19:45.680 --> 19:47.902 yes it was a four model radius that was 19:47.902 --> 19:50.124 following E . P . A guidance . Um We do 19:50.124 --> 19:52.410 have maps that show those detections 19:52.410 --> 19:54.521 and how far off the installation that 19:54.521 --> 19:56.688 was detected . So what Turkey could do 19:56.688 --> 19:58.799 chris Kirk you could do is we can see 19:58.799 --> 20:00.966 about sharing that . Um that figure in 20:00.966 --> 20:03.132 that illustration next time but we can 20:03.132 --> 20:05.188 also provide that to you directly as 20:05.188 --> 20:07.132 well . But my inclination is . And 20:07.132 --> 20:09.354 again without the data in front of us I 20:09.354 --> 20:11.466 believe that that the furthest hit we 20:11.466 --> 20:13.188 got was roughly a mile off the 20:13.188 --> 20:15.420 installation and it was below the part 20:15.420 --> 20:17.476 spiritual . And I think it was about 20:17.476 --> 20:19.642 25.5 . But again sir we do have all of 20:19.642 --> 20:21.698 that data in a power point . And and 20:21.698 --> 20:23.809 maybe it would be worth maybe pulling 20:23.809 --> 20:25.976 that up during the next public meeting 20:25.976 --> 20:28.087 or what have you just to re socialize 20:28.087 --> 20:29.753 that . Um But we do have that 20:29.753 --> 20:29.600 information available and we will share 20:29.600 --> 20:32.260 that with you directly . I really 20:32.260 --> 20:34.450 appreciate it . We're obviously very 20:34.450 --> 20:38.040 interested in how far southeast that 20:38.050 --> 20:40.770 bloom is gone . So I'd appreciate that . 20:41.540 --> 20:45.540 Yes sir . This is 20:45.540 --> 20:47.373 a shame with the Air Force Civil 20:47.373 --> 20:49.540 Engineer Center . Uh Mr Bradley . It's 20:49.540 --> 20:52.780 good to see you sir . Can everyone Yes . 20:52.790 --> 20:54.901 While since we've chatted anyhow , we 20:54.901 --> 20:56.957 have to remember that at the time we 20:56.957 --> 20:58.790 were executing the expanded side 20:58.790 --> 21:01.012 investigation , we were targeting human 21:01.012 --> 21:03.123 consumption , water sources for human 21:03.123 --> 21:05.320 consumption . So what the remedial 21:05.320 --> 21:07.264 investigation will do that ? Chris 21:07.264 --> 21:09.487 Gorky was referencing is give us a much 21:09.487 --> 21:12.100 clearer picture because now we have the 21:12.100 --> 21:15.860 ability to sample agricultural wells as 21:15.860 --> 21:19.060 well . Okay great good 21:26.040 --> 21:27.984 Mr Bradley . Do you have any other 21:27.984 --> 21:30.151 questions before just trying to find ? 21:30.151 --> 21:32.207 Uh There we go . Lower . Thank you . 21:32.240 --> 21:34.129 Thank you for your question sir . 21:36.440 --> 21:38.273 Do we have any other questions ? 21:43.740 --> 21:45.851 This is James DRC . I've got a couple 21:45.851 --> 21:48.270 if I may . Yes sir . 21:50.140 --> 21:53.800 Um uh chris Shane 21:53.810 --> 21:57.210 chris . Good to hear you guys 21:57.220 --> 22:00.710 again after all this time . Can you uh 22:00.720 --> 22:02.920 tell us you know maybe a little more 22:02.920 --> 22:06.890 detail about um the work that 22:06.890 --> 22:10.710 the USgS has done in fy 20 that you 22:10.710 --> 22:14.320 said has already been funded or or done 22:14.330 --> 22:16.570 the and I know that there's a work plan 22:16.570 --> 22:18.681 for the awkward for test that I could 22:18.681 --> 22:20.848 go and look at . But could you perhaps 22:20.848 --> 22:22.903 tell the audience a little bit about 22:22.903 --> 22:24.681 the aquifer test . I'm a little 22:24.681 --> 22:27.620 concerned that it appears that the 22:27.630 --> 22:30.460 proposed infiltration gallery for the 22:30.470 --> 22:34.210 pilot test um , is not upgrading 22:34.230 --> 22:36.660 within the capture zone of your 22:36.660 --> 22:39.760 injection wells that it's actually on 22:39.770 --> 22:43.590 the um eastern edge of 22:43.590 --> 22:46.800 the base , suggesting that it could 22:46.810 --> 22:50.720 flow rather uh readily 22:50.730 --> 22:53.000 into that first North south Paleo 22:53.000 --> 22:55.167 channel off the southeast corner . Can 22:55.167 --> 22:57.333 you address that ? Might be helpful if 22:57.333 --> 22:59.500 you pulled up that map that shows your 22:59.500 --> 23:01.960 proposed pilot system ? 23:03.940 --> 23:05.384 Thank you . Get that full 23:09.840 --> 23:13.340 Oh , okay , give me just one moment and 23:13.340 --> 23:15.118 I'll get that slide pulled up . 23:30.140 --> 23:32.170 Okay , can everyone see it ? 23:33.440 --> 23:35.830 So again , I want to reiterate this is 23:35.830 --> 23:39.680 a draft design , so there we 23:39.680 --> 23:42.200 go , this is a draft design . So those , 23:42.210 --> 23:44.099 those points right ? There aren't 23:44.099 --> 23:46.321 necessarily where they're going to be . 23:46.321 --> 23:48.377 So they come in and pulled samples , 23:48.377 --> 23:50.530 they're going to put in that aquifer 23:50.530 --> 23:52.970 test to , you know , determine how much 23:52.970 --> 23:55.137 can be pumped out of there at a time . 23:55.137 --> 23:57.390 Um you know , all the details really go 23:57.390 --> 23:59.710 into there and if we would like on the 23:59.710 --> 24:02.590 next meeting or if you have questions 24:02.590 --> 24:04.534 off the side , we can go into more 24:04.534 --> 24:06.701 detail in there , but it's going to go 24:06.701 --> 24:10.460 into the design full design on how 24:10.460 --> 24:13.540 we're going to place those . So based 24:13.540 --> 24:16.360 on Rs I data , the flow rate , our 24:16.360 --> 24:18.582 knowledge of the paleo channels , those 24:18.582 --> 24:20.693 may slide around there a little bit . 24:20.693 --> 24:22.804 It just depends , but this is again , 24:22.804 --> 24:24.971 this is the pilot study , this isn't a 24:24.971 --> 24:27.530 full scale pump and treat system . This 24:27.530 --> 24:31.150 is meant to give us data that will go 24:31.150 --> 24:34.960 into the ECA and tell us capture zone 24:34.960 --> 24:38.140 rates , how well is this doing , does 24:38.140 --> 24:41.850 the media that we sampled or selected 24:42.440 --> 24:45.390 effectively treat this and give us the 24:45.390 --> 24:48.560 overall idea of what is the best 24:49.140 --> 24:51.320 treatment system for this aquifer . So 24:51.320 --> 24:53.500 this is this is a small scale pilot 24:53.500 --> 24:56.480 study when it goes to full scale , if 24:56.480 --> 24:58.536 it's determined that because there's 24:58.536 --> 25:00.758 going to be additional monitoring wells 25:00.758 --> 25:02.869 as you can see there are those little 25:02.869 --> 25:04.813 round circles with the crosses and 25:04.813 --> 25:07.147 light blue , those are monitoring wells . 25:07.147 --> 25:09.313 So if that one that's a little further 25:09.313 --> 25:11.369 east is still showing that there are 25:11.369 --> 25:13.147 levels there and it's not being 25:13.147 --> 25:15.147 addressed by an extraction well the 25:15.147 --> 25:17.091 full scale design is going to have 25:17.091 --> 25:19.147 additional extraction wells that are 25:19.147 --> 25:21.313 going to be put in place . So that way 25:21.313 --> 25:23.536 we're fully capturing everything that's 25:23.536 --> 25:25.536 coming off base . So again I got to 25:25.536 --> 25:27.702 reiterate that this is this is a pilot 25:27.702 --> 25:30.490 study . This isn't meant to capture 25:30.500 --> 25:32.722 everything that's coming off base right 25:32.722 --> 25:35.220 now . Before we can get to that stage 25:35.220 --> 25:39.120 we have to do the eCA pilot study . 25:39.120 --> 25:41.287 That is a requirement by law following 25:41.287 --> 25:43.400 circle that that must be completed 25:43.400 --> 25:46.850 before a interim action can be done but 25:46.850 --> 25:49.370 we were able to put this pilot study in 25:49.370 --> 25:52.700 there that will give us better data and 25:52.700 --> 25:54.867 speed up the process to get us to that 25:54.867 --> 25:57.760 full scale pump and treat system , 25:59.240 --> 26:02.320 Does that make sense sir ? Yeah . Yeah . 26:02.330 --> 26:04.386 Thanks chris just one more follow up 26:04.386 --> 26:06.552 before you get to art . I see he's got 26:06.552 --> 26:08.850 his hand up . Are you going to uh the 26:08.850 --> 26:10.961 Air Force going to approach the state 26:10.961 --> 26:12.850 to get a discharge permit for the 26:12.850 --> 26:14.794 injection or is it the Air Force's 26:14.794 --> 26:17.017 position that that's not required under 26:17.017 --> 26:20.060 circle ? We will be following our legal 26:20.070 --> 26:23.290 moments when it comes to any permitting 26:23.290 --> 26:25.346 requirements . So we'll work closely 26:25.346 --> 26:27.512 with our legal team and follow what is 26:27.512 --> 26:29.512 required . But we are following the 26:29.512 --> 26:31.623 circle process throughout this p fast 26:31.623 --> 26:35.470 investigation . So does that mean that 26:35.480 --> 26:37.647 you're not going to approach the state 26:37.647 --> 26:40.220 for a discharge permit ? And if you 26:40.220 --> 26:43.180 can't answer that um Today it would be 26:43.180 --> 26:45.069 great if you could answer that in 26:45.069 --> 26:47.180 december . I think that that would be 26:47.180 --> 26:49.780 pretty crucial for new mexicans to be 26:49.780 --> 26:51.670 able to have um an opportunity to 26:51.670 --> 26:54.730 understand that it's um state agency at 26:54.730 --> 26:58.670 least has some steak uh in this . I'll 26:58.670 --> 27:01.190 double down on that by noting that the 27:01.200 --> 27:04.300 two opportunities for agency comment , 27:04.300 --> 27:07.430 both E . P . A . And N . M . E . D . 27:07.440 --> 27:10.050 Are pretty short there 30 days for 27:10.050 --> 27:13.620 pretty pretty complex documents and 27:13.620 --> 27:17.460 plans . Um So uh at 27:17.460 --> 27:19.627 least I know there there are some that 27:19.627 --> 27:23.310 would uh urge the Air Force to 27:23.320 --> 27:26.500 um strongly consider seeking a 27:26.510 --> 27:29.440 discharge permit from the state for 27:29.440 --> 27:32.950 your re injection . Thank you again and 27:32.950 --> 27:35.320 we'll follow what our legal guidance is 27:35.330 --> 27:38.320 when it comes to that . But again with 27:38.320 --> 27:40.487 these 30 day comment periods , this is 27:40.487 --> 27:42.730 a standard comment period when it comes 27:42.730 --> 27:45.580 to the circle process and we have 27:45.580 --> 27:47.636 received comments back in these time 27:47.636 --> 27:50.580 periods before . And if there is an 27:50.580 --> 27:52.469 issue with those time frames were 27:52.469 --> 27:54.247 always willing to work with our 27:54.247 --> 27:56.469 counterparts both at the state and EU . 27:56.640 --> 27:59.270 Um where they can reach out to us and 27:59.340 --> 28:02.090 discuss those timelines further with us 28:02.090 --> 28:05.960 directly . Really good to hear . Thanks 28:05.960 --> 28:07.770 chris , thank you 28:10.340 --> 28:12.562 chris . We have a question from Mr shop 28:14.040 --> 28:16.096 asking if we can provide the last 10 28:16.096 --> 28:17.850 years of water testing results 28:18.240 --> 28:20.270 conducted by the Public works 28:20.270 --> 28:22.310 department or an entity that tests 28:22.310 --> 28:25.320 water for Cannon Air Force Base . So I 28:25.320 --> 28:27.098 believe that's actually our bio 28:27.098 --> 28:29.700 environmental group that does that and 28:29.700 --> 28:32.760 they post that publicly . I believe 28:32.760 --> 28:34.982 that's an annual requirement for them . 28:34.982 --> 28:37.090 But that is outside of the range of 28:37.090 --> 28:40.300 what it is that we're responsible here . 28:40.300 --> 28:42.189 So I'm not exactly sure how I can 28:42.189 --> 28:43.967 address that for you but that's 28:43.967 --> 28:45.967 something that we could look into . 28:45.967 --> 28:49.730 Yeah . Hagerty , just to add to that if 28:49.730 --> 28:52.040 I may , I'm confident every year we put 28:52.040 --> 28:54.262 out a consumer confidence report as the 28:54.262 --> 28:56.484 owner of our drinking water system . So 28:56.484 --> 28:58.540 the C . C . R . S . Are published on 28:58.540 --> 29:00.596 the new Mexico department as well as 29:00.596 --> 29:02.651 probably and more than likely on the 29:02.651 --> 29:05.080 Canyon web page . So yes that that that 29:05.080 --> 29:07.080 is absolutely available . That is a 29:07.080 --> 29:09.080 requirement . It's a drinking water 29:09.080 --> 29:11.191 requirement and it is up on the state 29:11.191 --> 29:13.191 websites and it is up on the Canada 29:13.191 --> 29:12.990 site and they're the consumer 29:12.990 --> 29:15.770 confidence reports and that uh that 29:15.770 --> 29:19.050 that synthesizes all the contaminants 29:19.050 --> 29:21.420 within that drinking water source for 29:21.420 --> 29:24.560 that year . Yeah . 29:28.240 --> 29:29.240 Yeah . 29:33.740 --> 29:35.907 And then chris if you want mind taking 29:35.907 --> 29:39.260 mr scops um question on the N . B . A . 29:39.270 --> 29:43.240 Topic . I'm sorry , let me scroll up 29:43.240 --> 29:44.351 so I can see that . 29:49.840 --> 29:52.590 Oh let me read this out in 2020 , the 29:52.590 --> 29:55.230 National Defense Authorization Act were 29:55.230 --> 29:57.920 you instructed by Congress to clean up 29:57.930 --> 29:59.930 the water to acquire land and farms 29:59.930 --> 30:01.763 surrounding cannon that has been 30:01.763 --> 30:03.850 contaminated with pitfalls before ? 30:03.860 --> 30:06.470 Where are what and where are you in 30:06.470 --> 30:09.860 this process ? Mm . 30:10.740 --> 30:14.630 So and with that um we're using 30:14.630 --> 30:16.630 our circle authorities to address p 30:16.630 --> 30:18.852 fast circle is the process that we have 30:18.852 --> 30:21.110 to address unacceptable risk . And 30:21.110 --> 30:24.350 we're now following that action uh with 30:24.350 --> 30:26.870 that we've got our removal action with 30:26.870 --> 30:30.350 the he can pilot study to expedite our 30:30.350 --> 30:32.660 circle actions but India is a future 30:32.660 --> 30:34.720 tool that can be utilized after 30:34.730 --> 30:36.841 unacceptable risks are determined and 30:36.841 --> 30:39.063 that goes back to promulgated standards 30:39.063 --> 30:41.060 haven't been established so to 30:41.060 --> 30:43.020 determine that unacceptable risk , 30:43.020 --> 30:45.187 we're using circle to determine that . 30:49.940 --> 30:53.450 Uh huh . Chris our next question comes 30:53.450 --> 30:56.330 from Mr Pyle , will you go back over 30:56.330 --> 30:58.690 the timeline also ? What has been put 30:58.700 --> 31:01.100 in place to keep the contamination from 31:01.100 --> 31:01.860 spreading . 31:06.040 --> 31:10.040 So with that Air Force has changed 31:10.040 --> 31:11.929 the ways that it operates using a 31:11.929 --> 31:15.170 triple left , so it has a hard 31:16.040 --> 31:19.680 yeah , It is removed the old C8 31:19.680 --> 31:22.320 legacy Foam and replaced it with the 31:22.320 --> 31:25.850 shorter C6 a trip left . And 31:25.860 --> 31:28.610 also in its training environment , it 31:28.610 --> 31:30.910 does not use a triple F in training 31:30.920 --> 31:33.120 anymore . It's always going to use 31:33.120 --> 31:35.840 water . It only uses a triple F in real 31:35.840 --> 31:38.062 world scenarios . And once that happens 31:38.062 --> 31:40.229 it makes sure that it cleans it up and 31:40.229 --> 31:42.396 contain arises it . So that way , it's 31:42.396 --> 31:43.260 not 31:46.640 --> 31:49.570 now again with our media investigation 31:49.570 --> 31:51.740 that's going to continue to determine 31:51.740 --> 31:53.740 what that nature and extent is . So 31:53.740 --> 31:55.740 that way we can , once the remedial 31:55.740 --> 31:57.860 investigation is done , feasibility 31:57.860 --> 31:59.971 study is done , we can look at a full 31:59.971 --> 32:02.390 scale remediation plan for what that 32:02.390 --> 32:05.020 plume is right now in the short term , 32:05.030 --> 32:08.040 that's why we have this eca plan . So 32:08.040 --> 32:11.790 that way we can do a interim response 32:11.790 --> 32:13.957 and that is something in the near term 32:13.957 --> 32:17.280 here that we can start doing a response 32:17.290 --> 32:20.450 action now to start cleaning up what 32:20.450 --> 32:22.960 impact there is in the aquifer . 32:32.340 --> 32:34.780 Okay , Mr Gorky . The next question is 32:35.540 --> 32:39.350 from Mr martin . 32:39.360 --> 32:41.710 Have other options for the filtered 32:41.710 --> 32:43.900 clean water been considered besides 32:43.910 --> 32:45.950 injecting back into the aquifer 32:48.440 --> 32:50.607 and that's something that I believe we 32:50.607 --> 32:54.260 are looking through the Zika is water 32:54.260 --> 32:56.730 realization . I think right now the 32:56.730 --> 32:59.360 first thing that comes to mind is too , 32:59.370 --> 33:01.630 as we all are very aware that our 33:01.630 --> 33:05.350 aquifer is depleting and so right 33:05.350 --> 33:07.572 now it would be to filter it and put it 33:07.572 --> 33:10.300 re injected back into the aquifer . So 33:10.300 --> 33:12.860 that way we have a zero effect on there . 33:13.340 --> 33:16.750 Um But it is something that we do 33:16.760 --> 33:19.870 discuss as to what other options there 33:19.870 --> 33:21.900 might potentially be for water 33:21.900 --> 33:24.180 realization that would be best for the 33:24.180 --> 33:25.270 local community . 33:34.840 --> 33:36.618 Our next question comes from Mr 33:36.618 --> 33:39.380 Longmire . Will the soil sediments 33:39.390 --> 33:42.970 present in the Eurozone vados zone 33:42.970 --> 33:46.140 beneath the I'm sorry . 33:46.150 --> 33:49.740 Yeah this one must be contamination is 33:49.740 --> 33:50.550 detected . 33:54.840 --> 33:57.330 So we're doing a very we were doing a 33:57.330 --> 34:00.770 very extensive remedial investigation 34:01.140 --> 34:04.250 and so that will go into if there are 34:04.260 --> 34:08.190 in one also in and that goes into the 34:08.190 --> 34:10.300 eca for short term . So if there are 34:10.300 --> 34:12.467 point sources that are discovered that 34:12.467 --> 34:14.689 would be potentials for digging hall so 34:14.689 --> 34:17.200 we could dig out those areas and 34:17.200 --> 34:19.311 potentially haul them off and dispose 34:19.311 --> 34:23.260 of them properly . That then reduces 34:23.260 --> 34:25.149 any further migration down to the 34:25.149 --> 34:26.871 ground water . That would be a 34:26.871 --> 34:28.927 potential . And then again that also 34:28.927 --> 34:31.770 looks at what could be done in the long 34:31.770 --> 34:33.690 term as we finalize that remedial 34:33.690 --> 34:35.801 investigation , what happens as we go 34:35.801 --> 34:37.968 through there . So this is going to be 34:37.968 --> 34:39.968 looked at as we go through remedial 34:39.968 --> 34:42.023 investigation and as we complete the 34:42.023 --> 34:44.246 investigation so there is the potential 34:44.246 --> 34:46.190 that yes remedial actions could be 34:46.190 --> 34:48.470 taken to dig out and address those 34:48.470 --> 34:49.060 areas ? 35:00.840 --> 35:03.160 Okay the next question that we have is 35:03.160 --> 35:06.650 from Mr shop . Um can you provide your 35:06.650 --> 35:08.372 D . O . D . Criticality threat 35:08.372 --> 35:10.428 assessment findings and responses to 35:10.428 --> 35:12.650 the D . O . D . For the last 10 years . 35:12.650 --> 35:16.060 Um Is that go back to what Mr Segura 35:16.060 --> 35:18.550 had mentioned earlier ? I believe so 35:18.560 --> 35:20.671 because that is something that is not 35:20.671 --> 35:23.004 in the restoration portfolio . So again , 35:23.004 --> 35:24.782 that's going to go back to that 35:24.782 --> 35:28.390 consumer confidence report . And we 35:28.390 --> 35:30.612 have confirmed that it is on the Canyon 35:30.612 --> 35:32.834 website and it is titled drinking water 35:32.834 --> 35:33.834 report . 35:38.640 --> 35:41.950 Um Mr James Beer Z asks , is the 35:41.950 --> 35:43.870 aquifer test going to assess the 35:43.870 --> 35:46.150 pyramids Mr shops wells adjacent to the 35:46.150 --> 35:49.880 pilot test area . I would have to look 35:49.890 --> 35:52.590 at it . Um But I do know that we are 35:52.590 --> 35:54.757 working close with the Office of State 35:54.757 --> 35:57.580 Engineers when we are going to do this . 35:57.580 --> 35:58.960 Well , 36:07.030 --> 36:09.363 okay , at this point in time , Mr Gorky , 36:09.363 --> 36:11.530 this is the last question that we have 36:11.530 --> 36:13.752 in uh in the chat room . Do we have any 36:13.752 --> 36:15.808 other 10 days that would like to ask 36:15.808 --> 36:17.697 questions at this point in time , 36:20.830 --> 36:23.052 Mr kern , Do you have your hand up ? Do 36:23.052 --> 36:26.330 you have a question ? Yes . Thanks very 36:26.340 --> 36:29.580 very much . I want to uh address 36:29.580 --> 36:33.540 Colonel Taylor and welcome him to the 36:33.540 --> 36:35.373 base and congratulate him on the 36:35.373 --> 36:38.970 command . Um I'm speaking as the 36:38.970 --> 36:42.410 executive director of a community group 36:42.420 --> 36:46.200 in Clovis called the Clean Water 36:46.200 --> 36:49.250 Partnership at Cannon and this is a 36:49.250 --> 36:51.700 community organization that is 36:51.700 --> 36:54.280 dedicated to helping find clean water 36:54.280 --> 36:58.080 solutions um in the face of 36:58.080 --> 37:01.250 this p fast water contamination problem . 37:02.330 --> 37:05.570 Um we had extended an 37:05.570 --> 37:08.390 invitation to Colonel mitosis 37:08.400 --> 37:11.340 previously your predecessor , which he 37:11.830 --> 37:15.460 did not take us up on 37:16.030 --> 37:18.450 at this juncture . Mr jerky has made it 37:18.450 --> 37:20.339 clear that there's no interest in 37:20.339 --> 37:22.980 community input through the restoration 37:22.980 --> 37:26.950 advisory board mechanism which 37:27.140 --> 37:29.310 you know , really does cut off 37:29.320 --> 37:32.350 community participation and 37:32.360 --> 37:36.320 dialogue . It's a monologue . And 37:36.320 --> 37:38.860 if if given the chance once every 90 37:38.860 --> 37:42.770 days to uh speak in a virtual capacity , 37:42.770 --> 37:45.080 it's uh we consider it terribly 37:45.080 --> 37:48.810 inadequate considering that economic 37:48.820 --> 37:52.440 devastation that PFS 37:52.450 --> 37:55.420 portends for the community . And we 37:55.420 --> 37:58.420 have no real confidence based on Mr 37:58.420 --> 38:02.140 Gorky's perspective and his um lack 38:02.140 --> 38:04.250 of communication or interesting 38:04.250 --> 38:06.870 communicating that Colonel taylor user 38:06.870 --> 38:08.920 have the full picture about what is 38:08.920 --> 38:11.370 going on in this community . And 38:11.370 --> 38:13.370 therefore I would like to request a 38:13.370 --> 38:15.690 meeting between the clean water 38:15.690 --> 38:19.060 partnership Cannon and your office . I 38:19.060 --> 38:22.780 would invite you to come to some of the 38:22.780 --> 38:26.650 immediately neighbouring dairies To 38:26.650 --> 38:29.620 see for yourself where there are some 38:29.630 --> 38:32.840 2000 cows um 38:33.220 --> 38:36.750 that have died while on quarantine 38:37.120 --> 38:39.270 not more than a half a mile away from 38:39.270 --> 38:42.770 the fence line of the airbase to the 38:42.770 --> 38:46.510 rest of the community . I'd like 38:46.510 --> 38:49.910 you to get an understanding for 38:49.910 --> 38:52.190 yourself , not through surrogates , but 38:52.200 --> 38:55.080 for yourself about what's going on in 38:55.080 --> 38:57.450 the community and perhaps you'll 38:57.450 --> 39:00.770 appreciate why The idea of a pilot 39:00.770 --> 39:03.150 study which is two or 3 years in the 39:03.150 --> 39:06.250 future and then a potential um 39:06.720 --> 39:09.630 prophylactic project which might keep 39:09.640 --> 39:12.990 molecules moving from beneath the 39:12.990 --> 39:16.830 airbase to its neighbors in the face 39:16.840 --> 39:20.490 of a Wo of the fast in the water 39:20.920 --> 39:23.110 to the east and south east of the air 39:23.110 --> 39:25.870 base is already being , already being 39:25.870 --> 39:28.390 present . We'd like you to understand 39:28.390 --> 39:31.420 why much of the community considers 39:31.420 --> 39:34.460 that to be a woefully inadequate 39:34.460 --> 39:36.950 response to the problem . 39:37.820 --> 39:41.660 And we would like to review with you , 39:41.670 --> 39:43.726 we'd like to have the opportunity to 39:43.726 --> 39:45.892 review with you what we consider to be 39:45.892 --> 39:48.030 your authority to take action to 39:48.030 --> 39:50.730 address the problem and not simply 39:50.730 --> 39:54.450 accept this . This line that is out 39:54.450 --> 39:56.590 there that circle to is the only 39:56.590 --> 39:59.140 governing body of law , the only 39:59.140 --> 40:01.470 authority for the base to take action 40:01.470 --> 40:03.637 to protect the neighboring community . 40:04.010 --> 40:06.300 And so I would very much like to extend 40:06.300 --> 40:08.920 the invitation to you at any time over 40:08.920 --> 40:11.370 the coming 30 days or 60 days whenever 40:11.370 --> 40:13.680 it is convenient to you for a face to 40:13.680 --> 40:16.460 face meeting with the community . And 40:16.460 --> 40:18.800 we'd like to do that either on the base 40:18.810 --> 40:22.530 or uh preferably on 40:22.530 --> 40:24.750 site on the locations including 40:24.750 --> 40:27.270 highland dairy , which has been 40:28.610 --> 40:31.460 financially and environmentally 40:31.460 --> 40:34.330 devastated by the Air Force is 40:35.110 --> 40:38.740 failures over these years . And 40:39.110 --> 40:41.320 it's uncomfortable to talk about it . 40:41.320 --> 40:43.431 And you won't see the city leaders of 40:43.710 --> 40:47.070 Clovis or curry county uh speaking up , 40:47.080 --> 40:49.080 but the community itself would very 40:49.080 --> 40:51.220 much like to have your attention on 40:51.220 --> 40:53.164 these matters and know that you're 40:53.164 --> 40:56.910 hearing us , sir . So Mr kern , if I 40:56.910 --> 41:00.060 may the rab was not established because 41:00.060 --> 41:02.227 the information that was received from 41:02.227 --> 41:03.893 the responses was directed at 41:03.893 --> 41:06.060 specifically p false befo and so there 41:06.060 --> 41:08.170 is open communication and that's 41:08.170 --> 41:10.170 specifically why we're having these 41:10.170 --> 41:12.960 corporate public updates . They are 41:12.970 --> 41:15.440 publicly , they are public . I'm a 41:15.440 --> 41:17.720 please finish , I would like to 41:17.720 --> 41:21.700 publicly they are and they are 41:21.710 --> 41:24.490 not mr current , please , please go 41:24.490 --> 41:28.130 ahead . Colonel Taylor , thank you . 41:28.810 --> 41:31.840 They are publicly accountable . We have 41:31.840 --> 41:33.730 the MFR that documents all of our 41:33.730 --> 41:36.430 reasonings . We are open to all lines 41:36.430 --> 41:40.240 of communication and that 41:40.250 --> 41:43.830 we will be continuing this wrong . That 41:43.830 --> 41:46.190 is our commitment to the community that 41:46.190 --> 41:48.880 we are going to continue these open 41:48.880 --> 41:50.880 lines of communication to make sure 41:50.880 --> 41:53.102 that everybody is aware of exactly what 41:53.102 --> 41:55.620 is going on . And I reiterate again 41:55.620 --> 41:57.731 that when it comes to the pilot study 41:57.731 --> 42:00.010 in the eca , those are requirements by 42:00.010 --> 42:02.250 law that the Ika must be done before we 42:02.250 --> 42:04.880 can do an interim action and that's why 42:04.880 --> 42:06.936 we did that pilot study is to get us 42:06.936 --> 42:09.970 moving there even faster to get us to 42:09.980 --> 42:12.091 that interim corrective measure to be 42:12.091 --> 42:14.960 able to start actually affecting clean 42:14.960 --> 42:17.190 up and that's what we could do to get 42:17.190 --> 42:19.930 there even faster . All right . Yeah . 42:21.200 --> 42:23.422 Yes . And thank you very if I may add , 42:23.430 --> 42:25.610 I know that's a legitimate concern 42:25.620 --> 42:27.398 starting the governance and the 42:27.398 --> 42:29.620 framework but you know , our commanders 42:29.620 --> 42:31.920 are bound by law , this is this is an 42:31.920 --> 42:34.490 ongoing litigation but this is the law 42:34.490 --> 42:36.657 and you know , given that PFS is not a 42:36.657 --> 42:39.090 record constituent , this is how the 42:39.100 --> 42:41.740 Air Force is managing the p fast 42:41.750 --> 42:44.600 impacts across the nation . So when it 42:44.600 --> 42:47.810 comes to decentralized execution , um , 42:47.810 --> 42:50.032 that's not really what the Air Force is 42:50.032 --> 42:52.199 doing , PBS impacts , We're looking at 42:52.199 --> 42:54.366 it centrally . We're throwing a lot of 42:54.366 --> 42:56.588 investment at it a lot of time . Um , I 42:56.588 --> 42:58.754 believe that our response actions have 42:58.754 --> 43:00.921 shown that we are taking the community 43:00.921 --> 43:02.921 concerns seriously . Um , the rapid 43:02.921 --> 43:05.032 results furthermore substantiated the 43:05.032 --> 43:06.921 need for the quarterly updates to 43:06.921 --> 43:09.254 target PFS specific concerns . So again , 43:09.254 --> 43:11.310 what we would like to offer is , you 43:11.310 --> 43:13.366 know , if there's things that we can 43:13.366 --> 43:12.930 add into the public meeting that would 43:12.930 --> 43:14.763 be of value to Mr kern or to the 43:14.763 --> 43:16.986 community , we're all about that and we 43:16.986 --> 43:19.097 would love to do that . We would love 43:19.097 --> 43:21.319 to hear your feedback , but I just want 43:21.319 --> 43:21.310 to indicate that , you know , this is 43:21.310 --> 43:23.532 the circle process . This is bounded by 43:23.532 --> 43:26.490 law flexibility and our ability to be 43:26.490 --> 43:28.601 able to manage this under a different 43:28.601 --> 43:30.657 framework just is not there . So our 43:30.657 --> 43:32.823 hands are tied and this is grounded in 43:32.823 --> 43:34.879 legal framework . So Mr kern , thank 43:34.879 --> 43:37.101 you for your concerns . Um , as we move 43:37.101 --> 43:38.990 forward , we'll continue to share 43:38.990 --> 43:41.046 information , will continue to share 43:41.046 --> 43:40.700 the progress and the investment in the 43:40.700 --> 43:42.922 commitment that the air force has to be 43:42.922 --> 43:46.720 best impacts . Hey Mr current 43:46.730 --> 43:49.090 Colonel Taylor here just first . Thanks . 43:49.100 --> 43:52.150 Thanks for the for the invitation and 43:52.150 --> 43:54.261 the opportunity to comment and thanks 43:54.261 --> 43:56.120 for your uh you know , continued 43:56.130 --> 43:58.030 interest , passion and support on 43:58.040 --> 44:00.540 helping us get through this issue . Um 44:00.550 --> 44:03.110 so I am certainly um 44:03.120 --> 44:07.000 more , I'm certainly looking 44:07.000 --> 44:09.280 to get as complete a picture sure as I 44:09.280 --> 44:11.224 can of this as we continue to work 44:11.224 --> 44:13.447 through it . I've been working with the 44:13.447 --> 44:15.447 team here um to to ensure that that 44:15.447 --> 44:17.669 happens . Um but like it was said , you 44:17.669 --> 44:19.970 know , there as we allow this circle of 44:19.970 --> 44:22.450 process to continue as we have been 44:22.450 --> 44:24.617 advised to the Department of Defense , 44:24.617 --> 44:26.506 there's some things that that are 44:26.506 --> 44:28.728 within and some things that are outside 44:28.728 --> 44:31.270 of our control here here at Cannon Air 44:31.270 --> 44:33.480 Force Base . But I do assure you sir 44:33.480 --> 44:35.730 that we are all absolutely invested in 44:35.730 --> 44:38.410 getting clean water as we're all parts 44:38.410 --> 44:40.632 of the community here and and certainly 44:40.632 --> 44:42.132 invested in that success . 44:46.590 --> 44:49.290 Well , thank you Colonel I um I 44:49.290 --> 44:52.790 reiterate again as Mr Durkee says , I 44:52.790 --> 44:56.440 reiterate again my request for an 44:56.440 --> 45:00.260 opportunity for you to see for 45:00.260 --> 45:02.760 yourself what's going on in the 45:02.770 --> 45:06.740 community off off the base and uh 45:06.750 --> 45:09.080 we'll be waiting for a call to help 45:09.090 --> 45:11.146 orchestrate that so that you can see 45:11.146 --> 45:13.220 for yourself and decide for yourself 45:13.230 --> 45:15.650 whether the pushback or the feedback 45:15.650 --> 45:17.761 that you might give to your superiors 45:18.090 --> 45:21.510 is appropriately relating 45:21.990 --> 45:24.920 the true circumstances that are going 45:24.920 --> 45:27.880 on in this community . You know , it 45:27.880 --> 45:30.390 may be that five years from now , the 45:30.390 --> 45:34.110 entire Yeah . You know , southern half 45:34.110 --> 45:37.410 of curry county is a superfund site 45:38.690 --> 45:41.580 and that would be a tragedy for the 45:41.580 --> 45:43.747 entire community . Nobody wants that . 45:43.747 --> 45:46.220 We want to address the problem . We 45:46.220 --> 45:49.830 want to advocate for solutions and 45:49.830 --> 45:52.460 there is a separate body of authority 45:52.470 --> 45:55.540 and the Department of Defense Office of 45:55.550 --> 45:58.360 General Counsel is and the Justice 45:58.360 --> 46:00.304 Department is entirely aware of it 46:00.530 --> 46:03.940 relating to the 2020 National Defense 46:03.940 --> 46:07.200 Authorization Act provides 46:07.210 --> 46:09.830 independent authority to take action . 46:09.840 --> 46:11.729 And so far your predecessors have 46:11.980 --> 46:14.010 declined to exercise authorities 46:14.010 --> 46:16.710 granted and the consequences are 46:17.380 --> 46:19.602 threatening to the community . And this 46:19.602 --> 46:22.940 is why we're um concerned and we look 46:22.940 --> 46:24.940 forward to working with you sir and 46:24.940 --> 46:26.300 thanks very much . 46:30.780 --> 46:34.660 Okay If I may Chris or Christopher 46:34.660 --> 46:38.020 either one first of all , I'm really 46:38.020 --> 46:40.353 glad that we're getting started on this . 46:40.353 --> 46:42.464 Just testing that's very important to 46:43.380 --> 46:46.490 the area that I represent . And uh but 46:46.490 --> 46:48.379 I have a question for you on this 46:48.379 --> 46:52.260 testing , are the the names of 46:52.260 --> 46:53.927 the owners ? Are they held in 46:53.927 --> 46:56.410 confidence ? Are are they publicly 46:56.410 --> 46:59.780 disclosed from that your people ? Well , 46:59.790 --> 47:02.520 generally , and that's why I haven't 47:02.520 --> 47:05.990 posted up the work plan yet 47:06.480 --> 47:09.210 for the er on our remedial 47:09.210 --> 47:11.377 investigation is ensuring that I'm not 47:11.377 --> 47:13.380 posting any personally identifiable 47:13.380 --> 47:16.980 information . So we we are 47:16.980 --> 47:19.036 conscious about that and making sure 47:19.036 --> 47:20.813 that we don't provide anybody's 47:20.813 --> 47:23.036 personally identifiable information out 47:23.036 --> 47:25.036 there when we should not be right . 47:25.036 --> 47:28.710 Good . And then uh just a quick follow 47:28.710 --> 47:30.770 up . How are you ? Are you just , I 47:30.780 --> 47:33.320 believe you said you were looking up 47:33.320 --> 47:36.140 the address . You're just basically 47:36.150 --> 47:39.570 knocking on the doors just to well 47:39.570 --> 47:42.990 owners , is that my understanding ? Um 47:42.990 --> 47:45.980 I believe it was I , you know , there's 47:45.980 --> 47:49.610 obviously there is a record of all the 47:49.610 --> 47:51.900 wells that are out there . And so they 47:51.900 --> 47:55.800 use the with maps and based on 47:55.800 --> 47:57.800 our other side data that we have in 47:57.800 --> 48:00.740 prior investigations , they made a 48:00.740 --> 48:02.962 determination of where they were . So , 48:02.962 --> 48:05.810 it's some of the uh information that we 48:05.810 --> 48:09.550 have is from the public record . And so 48:09.550 --> 48:11.272 I'll also be reaching out with 48:11.272 --> 48:13.610 Shinnecock Camp that has been out there . 48:13.610 --> 48:16.030 As you're aware when the site 48:16.030 --> 48:18.197 investigation was done and making sure 48:18.197 --> 48:20.197 that we are getting in contact with 48:20.197 --> 48:23.200 everybody ? Okay . All right . 48:24.070 --> 48:26.292 That answers that question . But yeah , 48:26.292 --> 48:29.500 it's uh , the disclosure of owners is 48:30.170 --> 48:32.490 that's a tricky one that , that I've 48:32.490 --> 48:34.657 had to deal with appreciate it . Thank 48:34.657 --> 48:36.990 you . Yes , sir . 48:45.170 --> 48:47.410 Chris we've got another question from 48:47.410 --> 48:51.240 Mr Shop Uh says you sent us landowners 48:51.240 --> 48:53.500 within a mile radius around cannon a 48:53.500 --> 48:56.370 letter in April 2021 , 1st addressing 48:56.370 --> 48:58.537 the potential risk to human health and 48:58.537 --> 49:01.450 drinking water . So , Mr shop is also 49:01.450 --> 49:04.650 addressing his one . It says lost over 49:04.650 --> 49:07.420 1000 cows because of p foss and their 49:07.420 --> 49:10.780 drinking water . Um Is there anything 49:10.780 --> 49:13.002 aside from the circular process that is 49:13.002 --> 49:15.169 being done to help mitigate or address 49:15.169 --> 49:17.680 this issue . Again , that's going to go 49:17.680 --> 49:19.680 back to , we're using the circle of 49:19.680 --> 49:21.902 process to establish those unacceptable 49:21.902 --> 49:24.760 risks . The the India is a future tool 49:24.760 --> 49:26.371 that can be used after those 49:26.371 --> 49:29.000 unacceptable risks have been determined . 49:34.170 --> 49:36.337 And from a legal perspective they also 49:36.337 --> 49:38.337 have the toxic tort claim avenue as 49:38.337 --> 49:39.890 well . Yes . 49:48.370 --> 49:50.750 Are there any other questions right now ? 49:50.750 --> 49:52.806 We don't have any other questions in 49:52.806 --> 49:54.990 the chat room . But I'm looking at the 49:55.000 --> 49:57.056 individual participants to see if we 49:57.056 --> 49:59.700 have any other hands up . So if you 49:59.700 --> 50:01.700 have a question at this time , feel 50:01.700 --> 50:03.930 free to interject or raise your hand on 50:03.930 --> 50:06.190 the zoom call and we'll get 50:07.060 --> 50:10.190 uh this is James BRC . Again , I have a 50:10.200 --> 50:13.530 more of an observation than than a 50:13.530 --> 50:17.040 question and chris if you could keep 50:17.040 --> 50:19.262 this slide up , this is actually pretty 50:19.262 --> 50:22.200 good . You know , unless you have a 50:22.200 --> 50:24.870 technical background , things like , 50:24.880 --> 50:27.300 you know , sampling event aquifer , 50:27.300 --> 50:29.880 test treat ability study . I mean 50:31.060 --> 50:33.940 You went through your slides in less 50:33.940 --> 50:36.690 than 10 minutes and they didn't really 50:36.700 --> 50:39.820 tell us anything about what the air 50:39.820 --> 50:42.890 force has discovered so far for the $31 50:42.890 --> 50:44.946 million dollars that they've already 50:44.946 --> 50:48.370 spent and and how that information is 50:48.370 --> 50:51.650 going to inform future actions . And I 50:51.650 --> 50:54.580 think in the , in the Air Force's 50:54.590 --> 50:57.970 desire to perhaps make these 50:57.970 --> 51:00.192 meetings , these quarterly meetings one 51:00.192 --> 51:04.150 quarterly and too short that 51:04.160 --> 51:07.030 you kind of go past . Um some of that 51:07.030 --> 51:09.290 detail . Now many of the participants 51:09.290 --> 51:12.070 in this call may not be interested in 51:12.080 --> 51:15.810 any of those technical details , but I 51:15.810 --> 51:18.610 can tell uh everybody on this call that 51:18.610 --> 51:20.860 it is these technical details that are 51:20.860 --> 51:22.980 going to cost a ton of money 51:24.760 --> 51:27.120 put up roadblocks that the Air Force is 51:27.120 --> 51:28.953 going to say , why they can't do 51:28.953 --> 51:31.176 something and it's going to make things 51:31.176 --> 51:33.342 go years and years in the future . The 51:33.342 --> 51:37.130 circus process is like Mr 51:37.130 --> 51:40.250 Bradley said it's going to take um 5 , 51:40.260 --> 51:43.830 10 , 10 years and Mr Kern as well . So 51:43.840 --> 51:46.430 I would encourage the air force perhaps 51:46.440 --> 51:50.440 at the next meeting too . Mhm . Slow 51:50.440 --> 51:52.662 down a little bit and take a little bit 51:52.662 --> 51:55.460 of time to talk about some of the data 51:55.460 --> 51:57.870 that they've collected , where they 51:57.880 --> 52:01.570 think the contamination is , what their 52:01.580 --> 52:05.370 studies have shown already . Um You 52:05.370 --> 52:08.440 guys already have a ton of data on um 52:08.450 --> 52:10.680 what the paleo channels look like , 52:10.690 --> 52:12.900 what the flows are like . I um 52:12.910 --> 52:15.320 communicate with you guys about ideas 52:15.320 --> 52:19.060 about how fast groundwater moves . Um I 52:19.060 --> 52:22.170 think you should be telling everybody 52:22.180 --> 52:26.000 about that . Um In the chat , I did 52:26.010 --> 52:29.370 ask a question about that more of an 52:29.370 --> 52:31.259 observation again that the circle 52:31.259 --> 52:33.750 process is a minimum requirement and it 52:33.750 --> 52:35.850 doesn't prevent preclude or prohibit 52:35.850 --> 52:38.530 the Air Force from doing more with 52:38.530 --> 52:41.370 respect to public engagement . And so 52:41.370 --> 52:43.300 all of that rolls up to my grand 52:43.300 --> 52:45.600 question , which is so what is the air 52:45.600 --> 52:48.310 Force going to do ? That's more than 52:48.310 --> 52:51.470 the minimum that circle to requires . 52:52.050 --> 52:54.500 Well and thank you for the question . 52:54.740 --> 52:56.796 And our first quarterly meeting , we 52:56.796 --> 52:58.962 did go through all of the data that we 52:58.962 --> 53:02.360 have collected so far and went through 53:02.360 --> 53:05.030 our preliminary assessment , our site 53:05.030 --> 53:07.610 investigation and put all of that out 53:07.620 --> 53:09.690 and that is available out on our 53:09.690 --> 53:12.600 website where you can review it . And 53:12.600 --> 53:14.489 then as we've moved through these 53:14.489 --> 53:16.711 quarterly meetings , were trying to put 53:16.711 --> 53:18.878 out new information and where we're at 53:18.878 --> 53:21.100 and right now we're just getting to the 53:21.100 --> 53:22.933 point where we are starting that 53:22.933 --> 53:24.767 remedial investigation and we're 53:24.767 --> 53:27.670 starting this project of the IKA pilot 53:27.670 --> 53:30.080 study . So we will be getting to the 53:30.080 --> 53:32.800 point where we're going to have more 53:32.810 --> 53:35.560 information that's actually data driven , 53:35.560 --> 53:38.080 here's data that I can show you that 53:38.080 --> 53:40.302 we've discovered as we're going through 53:40.302 --> 53:42.640 this . So I do agree with you and we 53:42.640 --> 53:45.050 will have that information to share 53:45.050 --> 53:47.710 with the public right now , we're we've 53:47.710 --> 53:49.821 been in those planning phases , these 53:49.821 --> 53:52.080 last two meetings and so that's kind of 53:52.080 --> 53:54.420 where we're at right now , as I'm 53:54.420 --> 53:56.531 trying to make sure that everybody in 53:56.531 --> 53:58.820 the community has an awareness of where 53:58.820 --> 54:00.790 we're at and that we are pushing 54:00.790 --> 54:03.160 forward through this trying to get out 54:03.160 --> 54:05.271 there in the field because during the 54:05.271 --> 54:07.230 first meeting that we had , I had 54:07.230 --> 54:08.940 originally put out there that 54:08.950 --> 54:12.240 potentially our field work was going to 54:12.240 --> 54:15.900 commence in october of this year 54:15.910 --> 54:18.310 for our remedial investigation and 54:18.310 --> 54:20.421 right now we're about a month ahead . 54:20.421 --> 54:22.670 So we are aggressively pushing through 54:22.670 --> 54:25.400 this and with the circle process being 54:25.400 --> 54:27.567 a minimum to your question with that , 54:27.567 --> 54:30.100 that's why we got the pilot study in 54:30.100 --> 54:32.260 there because as a minimum are 54:32.260 --> 54:34.950 requirement was to do an eca and we 54:34.950 --> 54:36.894 would have gone out there and just 54:36.894 --> 54:38.950 completed an ECA and that would have 54:38.950 --> 54:41.170 been a year or two process and then I 54:41.170 --> 54:43.059 could have gone out and hopefully 54:43.059 --> 54:45.281 secured funds at that time if they were 54:45.281 --> 54:48.110 available and then got a contract in 54:48.110 --> 54:52.110 place to then put in a full pilot , a 54:52.120 --> 54:54.330 full pump and treat system . Whereas 54:54.340 --> 54:56.860 being aggressive , we had the funds 54:56.860 --> 54:59.300 available , we got them , we were able 54:59.300 --> 55:01.610 to do this pilot study which is the 55:01.610 --> 55:03.710 small scale pump and treat system to 55:03.710 --> 55:05.932 start pulling out water that will treat 55:05.932 --> 55:07.932 it and then reinject it , give us a 55:07.932 --> 55:11.590 better , more robust eCA pilot 55:11.600 --> 55:15.320 eCA in its hole and then put us quicker 55:15.320 --> 55:17.431 into being able to go to a full scale 55:17.431 --> 55:19.450 study . So we are being extremely 55:19.450 --> 55:21.840 aggressive and how we do this and 55:21.850 --> 55:25.290 trying to look at ways that we can move 55:25.290 --> 55:27.990 this process forward as aggressively as 55:27.990 --> 55:30.157 we can through this because again , we 55:30.157 --> 55:32.323 do understand the community's concerns 55:32.323 --> 55:35.340 and again , I appreciate the feedback 55:35.350 --> 55:37.700 because there will be times where I 55:37.700 --> 55:39.870 will definitely have a lot more detail 55:39.870 --> 55:42.350 to give to the local community as to 55:42.740 --> 55:45.340 what we found in what we're discovering 55:45.340 --> 55:47.970 as we go through this process . Yeah , 55:49.040 --> 55:51.900 and burke if I may add to that , um you 55:51.900 --> 55:54.011 know , we're also doing the quarterly 55:54.011 --> 55:56.120 public meetings , we are hosting uh 55:56.130 --> 55:58.297 kodo meetings as requested , were also 55:58.297 --> 56:00.408 publishing frequently asked questions 56:00.408 --> 56:02.630 and putting that on the Canon website . 56:02.630 --> 56:04.741 And we're building our p a outreach a 56:04.741 --> 56:06.741 lot more robust was required on the 56:06.741 --> 56:06.250 circle . 56:21.030 --> 56:23.720 Do we have any other questions from any 56:23.720 --> 56:24.942 of our participants ? 56:34.230 --> 56:36.341 Mr brookie at this time ? It looks as 56:36.341 --> 56:38.563 though we've answered all the questions 56:38.563 --> 56:40.660 for tonight's quarterly meaning . So 56:40.660 --> 56:42.827 unless you have anything else to add , 56:42.827 --> 56:45.490 I think we may be uh in pending our 56:45.500 --> 56:49.270 evening . Thank you 56:49.270 --> 56:51.437 everybody for your participation . And 56:51.437 --> 56:53.492 I look forward to seeing you all and 56:53.492 --> 56:55.659 hearing from you all again at the next 56:55.659 --> 56:57.437 quarterly public update again , 56:57.437 --> 56:59.548 tentatively scheduled for December 15 56:59.548 --> 57:03.130 as of right now . Thank you . 57:03.140 --> 57:05.990 Appreciate it . Carl taylor here , just 57:05.990 --> 57:08.101 real quick , I just want to make sure 57:08.101 --> 57:10.800 we addressed uh Mr Schapp who has his 57:10.800 --> 57:12.911 hand up , I just want to make sure he 57:12.911 --> 57:14.967 had a chance to chat and also I have 57:14.967 --> 57:16.967 just a couple of comments before we 57:16.967 --> 57:19.189 close . Yes , sir , Mr Schapp , did you 57:19.189 --> 57:21.356 have another question or did we answer 57:21.356 --> 57:23.411 the questions that you have provided 57:23.411 --> 57:25.189 for us in the chat room ? I was 57:25.189 --> 57:27.244 wondering if you're gonna call . I'm 57:27.244 --> 57:29.244 sorry , sir , I was looking at your 57:29.244 --> 57:31.467 chats in the your questions in the chat 57:31.467 --> 57:33.880 room , Commander , Thank you so much 57:33.880 --> 57:37.680 for being here in Clovis and open up 57:37.680 --> 57:40.580 dialogue . I'm a little little 57:40.580 --> 57:42.880 disgruntled about the rabbi have a lot 57:42.880 --> 57:44.991 of people in the community that would 57:44.991 --> 57:47.158 like to be involved in this thing up . 57:47.230 --> 57:49.810 Yeah . So you said that you're headed 57:49.810 --> 57:53.700 to clean water and pollution ? I'm 57:53.700 --> 57:57.090 just why we need a pilot 57:57.090 --> 58:00.640 project to prove that the filters are 58:00.640 --> 58:04.240 used nation fine . Already . We all had 58:04.240 --> 58:07.650 to install filters , all our homes and 58:07.650 --> 58:10.230 all our facilities and uh we didn't , 58:10.230 --> 58:13.190 but we had no help from the Air Force 58:13.200 --> 58:16.340 or the military at all . Um 58:17.320 --> 58:19.376 You know , I guess our biggest issue 58:19.376 --> 58:22.820 here off uh , because you guys , you 58:22.820 --> 58:24.820 know , you sent our letter to us uh 58:24.820 --> 58:28.150 April 20 2021 58:29.020 --> 58:32.140 you acknowledge the p Fossen ? 58:32.520 --> 58:36.370 Yeah . Air Force base in our property . 58:36.820 --> 58:38.940 You know , we're deal with this right 58:38.940 --> 58:41.420 now and I'm just wondering why we don't 58:41.420 --> 58:43.680 just have filters on all those 58:43.680 --> 58:47.110 contaminated with that are being used 58:47.110 --> 58:49.277 right now to feed our animals to water 58:49.277 --> 58:51.670 our crops , our homes . We've we've got 58:51.670 --> 58:54.640 to pay for all that our belts . And so 58:55.120 --> 58:57.453 we're a little bit disappointed in that . 58:57.453 --> 58:59.620 And you know , we also in the National 58:59.620 --> 59:01.870 Defense authorization act , Uh , 59:01.880 --> 59:04.047 there's $100 million dollars there for 59:04.047 --> 59:07.180 this project to clean all this up . So 59:07.190 --> 59:09.357 I'm just a little disappointed there , 59:09.357 --> 59:11.523 but like I said , I know that you guys 59:11.523 --> 59:13.690 are going to get to the bottom of this 59:13.690 --> 59:15.690 and we're gonna get to a resolution 59:15.690 --> 59:17.746 here someday fix this and I know you 59:17.746 --> 59:19.870 guys can do it or you right people to 59:19.880 --> 59:22.102 do it and I just want to thank you very 59:22.102 --> 59:24.150 much . Yeah . 59:25.920 --> 59:29.040 Well sir , if I may this is chris again 59:29.520 --> 59:32.180 again that goes back to why filters not 59:32.180 --> 59:33.902 on everything that goes to the 59:33.902 --> 59:36.069 authority that we have right now based 59:36.069 --> 59:38.236 on the E . P . A . S . Lifetime health 59:38.236 --> 59:40.300 advisory as we can address drinking 59:40.300 --> 59:43.210 water for human consumption . So once 59:43.210 --> 59:44.766 we go through that remedial 59:44.766 --> 59:46.766 investigation we can determine that 59:46.766 --> 59:49.350 unacceptable risk . Then that N . D . A . 59:49.360 --> 59:52.120 Can be used . But without the USDA and 59:52.120 --> 59:55.540 FDA and EPA is promulgated standards . 59:55.920 --> 59:58.680 We we can't address those right now and 59:58.680 --> 01:00:01.830 that's based on legal requirements 01:00:02.310 --> 01:00:06.310 now , as far as yes , 01:00:06.460 --> 01:00:09.180 the FDA has already made a decision on 01:00:09.190 --> 01:00:11.910 contaminated milk . Yeah . F . S . I . 01:00:11.910 --> 01:00:15.780 S . Has already made a uh the 01:00:15.780 --> 01:00:18.090 declaration that the cows cannot be 01:00:18.090 --> 01:00:20.250 sold as beef . They've already made 01:00:20.250 --> 01:00:23.690 those . I'm not sure the FDA and the F . 01:00:23.690 --> 01:00:25.850 S . I . S . Has already made those 01:00:25.850 --> 01:00:28.400 decisions . You know , we are in 01:00:28.400 --> 01:00:31.540 stranded mode here so I'm not sure what 01:00:31.550 --> 01:00:34.730 uh you know uh you said E . P . A . 01:00:34.730 --> 01:00:36.690 Standards but they already set the 01:00:36.690 --> 01:00:40.640 standard . So . Right and I 01:00:40.650 --> 01:00:44.440 I understand and we're here and what I 01:00:44.440 --> 01:00:46.384 can do is drive this investigation 01:00:46.384 --> 01:00:49.520 forward and get the data that we need 01:00:49.530 --> 01:00:51.940 to fill in those blanks . But right now , 01:00:51.950 --> 01:00:54.060 based on the legal guidance , docs 01:00:54.060 --> 01:00:56.170 guidance and everything that's out 01:00:56.170 --> 01:00:58.281 there , this is the mechanism that we 01:00:58.281 --> 01:01:00.392 have is we must continue through this 01:01:00.392 --> 01:01:04.290 circle process . Yes and 01:01:04.290 --> 01:01:07.370 and yeah and if I may answer that Mr 01:01:07.370 --> 01:01:09.460 scott um thank you for your comments 01:01:09.470 --> 01:01:12.550 were sensitive to the impacts that that 01:01:12.550 --> 01:01:15.100 that you have experienced . Um One of 01:01:15.100 --> 01:01:17.267 the things that I just kind of want to 01:01:17.267 --> 01:01:19.378 close the loop on from A to Z is that 01:01:19.378 --> 01:01:21.600 we talk a lot about the N . D . A . And 01:01:21.600 --> 01:01:23.711 the authorization . I just want to be 01:01:23.711 --> 01:01:23.520 clear and laid this out in layman's 01:01:23.520 --> 01:01:25.742 terms is that the N . D . A . Is really 01:01:25.742 --> 01:01:28.110 a future tool and when I say that , I 01:01:28.110 --> 01:01:30.332 mean that the prerequisite to get there 01:01:30.332 --> 01:01:32.332 to be able to determine risk and be 01:01:32.332 --> 01:01:34.554 able to meet the criteria to get out of 01:01:34.554 --> 01:01:37.140 the NBA what we want is uh 01:01:45.910 --> 01:01:48.360 I apologize guys I had an issue there . 01:01:48.360 --> 01:01:51.030 Am I am I back on ? Yes . 01:01:51.910 --> 01:01:53.966 Okay . So it kind of just to kind of 01:01:53.966 --> 01:01:56.021 recap so the N . D . A . Is gonna be 01:01:56.021 --> 01:01:58.243 our future tool and that's why we're so 01:01:58.243 --> 01:02:00.132 excited about the award of the Ri 01:02:00.132 --> 01:02:02.021 because the ri is what's going to 01:02:02.021 --> 01:02:04.188 determine nature and extent to give us 01:02:04.188 --> 01:02:03.670 our risk as well with the risk 01:02:03.670 --> 01:02:05.880 assessment following pretty soon . So 01:02:05.890 --> 01:02:08.057 so I just want to be clear on that and 01:02:08.057 --> 01:02:10.168 lay that out as kind of a roadmap and 01:02:10.168 --> 01:02:12.112 how we get to the N . D . A . As a 01:02:12.112 --> 01:02:13.890 future tool is first we have to 01:02:13.890 --> 01:02:15.946 complete the ari and be able to meet 01:02:15.946 --> 01:02:17.890 the criteria that the NBA puts out 01:02:17.890 --> 01:02:17.890 there . If we made the criteria that 01:02:17.890 --> 01:02:20.190 the NBA puts out there through our our 01:02:20.190 --> 01:02:22.246 I . And all of our contract awards . 01:02:22.246 --> 01:02:24.134 Then at that time that could be a 01:02:24.134 --> 01:02:26.301 future tool that we explore to be able 01:02:26.301 --> 01:02:28.412 to compensate or to take advantage of 01:02:28.412 --> 01:02:30.523 that endia authorization . So again I 01:02:30.523 --> 01:02:32.690 just kind of want to roadmap it the Ri 01:02:32.690 --> 01:02:34.912 the contract awards the investment that 01:02:34.912 --> 01:02:36.468 we're doing . Those are all 01:02:36.468 --> 01:02:38.523 prerequisites to get us into . Do we 01:02:38.523 --> 01:02:40.301 meet that criteria ? And can we 01:02:40.301 --> 01:02:42.523 activate this agenda at this location ? 01:02:44.600 --> 01:02:46.970 So I'm hoping I explain that in a way . 01:02:46.980 --> 01:02:49.320 Um So where we understand that it's 01:02:49.320 --> 01:02:51.153 going to be the elements and the 01:02:51.153 --> 01:02:53.153 information out of the bride that's 01:02:53.153 --> 01:02:55.320 going to help determine if we meet the 01:02:55.320 --> 01:02:57.320 criteria . Um NBA authorization . 01:03:04.200 --> 01:03:06.100 What ? Yeah 01:03:10.300 --> 01:03:12.411 and sir if that did not quite hit the 01:03:12.411 --> 01:03:14.522 mark please let me know and I can say 01:03:14.522 --> 01:03:18.470 that a different way kicking the can 01:03:18.470 --> 01:03:21.440 down the road . Oh this is this is 01:03:21.450 --> 01:03:24.630 James boc . Again I want to I don't 01:03:24.630 --> 01:03:26.880 know . Hopefully this isn't piling on 01:03:26.890 --> 01:03:28.610 but 01:03:30.900 --> 01:03:33.930 chris what you were saying was a little 01:03:33.930 --> 01:03:36.610 different from what the other chris 01:03:36.610 --> 01:03:40.330 said . Um If I understood your 01:03:40.330 --> 01:03:43.700 answer to art correctly you're you're 01:03:43.700 --> 01:03:46.680 saying that um we got to go through the 01:03:46.680 --> 01:03:49.050 Ri process and I didn't I didn't hear 01:03:49.060 --> 01:03:51.171 art so that you know I don't want you 01:03:51.171 --> 01:03:53.393 guys to investigate things are doing RI 01:03:53.393 --> 01:03:55.338 but he's saying you know there are 01:03:55.338 --> 01:03:57.504 other considerations . And I heard you 01:03:57.504 --> 01:03:59.616 say that you go through the ri to see 01:03:59.616 --> 01:04:01.616 if you meet the criteria to use the 01:04:01.616 --> 01:04:04.100 authority in the N . B . A . But what 01:04:04.100 --> 01:04:07.410 chris is saying is that until F . D . A . 01:04:07.420 --> 01:04:10.980 And E . P . A . Promulgate a standard , 01:04:10.990 --> 01:04:14.610 you guys are limited by law 01:04:14.990 --> 01:04:18.590 to addressing drinking water 01:04:18.600 --> 01:04:20.560 impact and that's a little little 01:04:20.560 --> 01:04:22.616 different . And if you could clarify 01:04:22.616 --> 01:04:24.949 that maybe it's my own misunderstanding . 01:04:24.949 --> 01:04:27.060 Maybe it's a question of messaging by 01:04:27.060 --> 01:04:29.060 the Air Force . But I didn't really 01:04:29.060 --> 01:04:31.500 understand Thank those two answers . 01:04:31.990 --> 01:04:34.720 It's actually a combination of the two . 01:04:34.720 --> 01:04:37.240 So Art was asking about why can't we 01:04:37.240 --> 01:04:40.610 use the N . D . A . Now ? And that is 01:04:40.610 --> 01:04:42.610 those lack of promulgated standards 01:04:42.970 --> 01:04:46.790 with Mr Segura's answer with as we 01:04:46.790 --> 01:04:49.330 go through the ri to establish that 01:04:49.330 --> 01:04:51.720 criteria to meet the requirements of 01:04:51.720 --> 01:04:54.090 the N . D . A . Then we can utilize it . 01:04:54.100 --> 01:04:57.350 So it's the criteria has not been met 01:04:57.360 --> 01:05:00.300 as of yet to utilize the N . B . A . 01:05:00.310 --> 01:05:02.532 And that's what we're going through the 01:05:02.532 --> 01:05:04.532 remedial investigation right now to 01:05:04.532 --> 01:05:07.100 meet those criteria down the road this 01:05:07.110 --> 01:05:09.054 property . And I apologize for the 01:05:09.054 --> 01:05:10.999 confusion . I was just building on 01:05:10.999 --> 01:05:14.220 chris Gorky's earlier narrative . But 01:05:14.220 --> 01:05:17.460 that is correct that that is and and 01:05:17.470 --> 01:05:20.040 furthermore I believe jerky and correct 01:05:20.040 --> 01:05:21.873 me if I'm wrong but we do have a 01:05:21.873 --> 01:05:23.929 frequently asked questions that does 01:05:23.929 --> 01:05:26.151 have the N . D . A . Topic on the Canon 01:05:26.151 --> 01:05:29.140 website . Yes it goes into a lot more 01:05:29.140 --> 01:05:31.280 detail on on both of them and that is 01:05:31.280 --> 01:05:34.810 something that and we will continue to 01:05:34.820 --> 01:05:37.940 update as more information comes out . 01:05:37.950 --> 01:05:40.710 That is always available on our website 01:05:41.090 --> 01:05:43.200 there and trying to keep that up to 01:05:43.200 --> 01:05:45.650 date with the most accurate information . 01:05:45.650 --> 01:05:47.970 So another another tool that we're 01:05:47.970 --> 01:05:50.300 trying to keep out here for the public . 01:05:50.300 --> 01:05:52.300 So that way they can come out there 01:05:52.300 --> 01:05:54.920 again these meetings are recorded and 01:05:54.920 --> 01:05:57.220 will be posted at that website . Will 01:05:57.220 --> 01:05:59.980 continue to have the fact sheet up 01:05:59.980 --> 01:06:02.590 there and updated as we go through this . 01:06:02.980 --> 01:06:06.090 So we're trying to build that site out 01:06:06.090 --> 01:06:08.020 more too . So it's a tool for the 01:06:08.020 --> 01:06:10.900 community and again um 01:06:11.680 --> 01:06:14.090 please by all means when we have these 01:06:14.090 --> 01:06:16.340 meetings please share this to the local 01:06:16.340 --> 01:06:19.270 community that wants to be involved in 01:06:19.280 --> 01:06:21.570 this remedial investigation because 01:06:21.570 --> 01:06:23.626 again this is a forum for the entire 01:06:23.626 --> 01:06:25.700 community for the entire public . 01:06:25.710 --> 01:06:28.580 Please share these invites push it out 01:06:28.580 --> 01:06:30.800 to everyone . The more community 01:06:30.800 --> 01:06:32.967 involvement we have the better because 01:06:32.967 --> 01:06:35.230 that is exactly what we have this here 01:06:35.230 --> 01:06:38.620 for is to inform the community and give 01:06:38.620 --> 01:06:42.190 them an opportunity to be a part of 01:06:42.190 --> 01:06:44.301 this investigation and to voice their 01:06:44.301 --> 01:06:46.410 opinion and to be heard . 01:06:59.780 --> 01:07:01.613 Colonel Taylor you had mentioned 01:07:01.613 --> 01:07:03.669 earlier that you would like to say a 01:07:03.669 --> 01:07:06.220 few closing remarks . Yeah thanks misty 01:07:06.230 --> 01:07:08.620 I can't seem to get my video back on 01:07:08.620 --> 01:07:10.620 but hopefully you guys can at least 01:07:10.620 --> 01:07:12.900 hear me . Um I just want to thank 01:07:12.900 --> 01:07:16.340 everyone again for the oh hold on . 01:07:16.340 --> 01:07:18.396 Looks like my video might be working 01:07:19.680 --> 01:07:21.850 uh again for the continued interest 01:07:21.850 --> 01:07:24.900 feedback uh and and continued dialogue 01:07:24.900 --> 01:07:27.178 here . So I understand that , you know , 01:07:27.178 --> 01:07:29.344 this is this is an emotional topic . I 01:07:29.344 --> 01:07:32.060 understand that the timelines uh that 01:07:32.060 --> 01:07:35.470 we are relegated to and that we have to 01:07:35.470 --> 01:07:38.070 abide by on the on the air Force and on 01:07:38.070 --> 01:07:40.970 the government side do not match up 01:07:40.980 --> 01:07:43.480 with the urgency with which 01:07:43.490 --> 01:07:46.730 most would would hope that that it 01:07:46.730 --> 01:07:48.990 would go , you know , with as fast as 01:07:48.990 --> 01:07:51.380 we would hope hope for it to go . Um 01:07:51.390 --> 01:07:53.740 but I do want to just reiterate that we 01:07:53.740 --> 01:07:57.130 remain committed . Um you know , I did , 01:07:57.140 --> 01:08:00.040 I think one of the terms used was using 01:08:00.040 --> 01:08:02.340 circle as a as a road blocker is 01:08:02.340 --> 01:08:05.030 something that something to to to give 01:08:05.030 --> 01:08:07.141 a reason why we can't and I just want 01:08:07.141 --> 01:08:08.974 to reaffirm you all that that is 01:08:08.974 --> 01:08:11.170 absolutely not the case . We are not 01:08:11.170 --> 01:08:13.820 looking for ways to halt progress . In 01:08:13.820 --> 01:08:15.987 fact , we're trying to speed things up 01:08:15.987 --> 01:08:18.880 as best we can . So , um just for me to 01:08:18.880 --> 01:08:21.102 you all as you know , kind of the local 01:08:21.102 --> 01:08:23.800 based representative here , I just want 01:08:23.800 --> 01:08:26.690 to again reiterate our commitment and 01:08:26.700 --> 01:08:29.200 and and state that we are absolutely 01:08:29.200 --> 01:08:31.311 committed to working through this and 01:08:31.311 --> 01:08:33.144 getting through it as quickly as 01:08:33.144 --> 01:08:34.811 possible and understand fully 01:08:34.811 --> 01:08:36.978 acknowledge that the timelines are are 01:08:36.978 --> 01:08:39.860 not satisfactory for for many , but we 01:08:39.860 --> 01:08:42.027 continue to do our best in this effort 01:08:42.027 --> 01:08:43.027 center . 01:08:48.570 --> 01:08:50.681 You are appreciated . Colonel . Thank 01:08:50.681 --> 01:08:50.400 you . 01:08:58.570 --> 01:09:00.570 If there are no other questions and 01:09:00.570 --> 01:09:02.570 we'll go ahead and wrap this up for 01:09:02.570 --> 01:09:04.792 this evening , please be on the lookout 01:09:04.792 --> 01:09:06.848 for an invitation to come out in mid 01:09:06.848 --> 01:09:09.181 december for the next quarterly meeting . 01:09:09.181 --> 01:09:11.292 Otherwise we will also be loading the 01:09:11.292 --> 01:09:13.514 recording of this video onto the Cannon 01:09:13.514 --> 01:09:15.626 Air Force Base website as well as the 01:09:15.626 --> 01:09:17.780 power Point presentation and the most 01:09:17.780 --> 01:09:19.669 recent frequently asked questions 01:09:19.669 --> 01:09:21.669 document . So if you have any other 01:09:21.669 --> 01:09:23.891 questions , feel free to ask them now . 01:09:23.891 --> 01:09:26.190 Otherwise this meeting is uh ma'am , I 01:09:26.190 --> 01:09:28.246 do have one more question . Yes . Mr 01:09:28.246 --> 01:09:30.370 I'm sorry . Um it's more of a 01:09:30.380 --> 01:09:34.380 suggestion . Um perhaps a week 01:09:34.380 --> 01:09:37.060 or two before the meeting , you could 01:09:37.060 --> 01:09:39.060 reach out to some of the people who 01:09:39.060 --> 01:09:41.660 have been at both meetings and ask for 01:09:41.670 --> 01:09:44.740 agenda items , not that you have to 01:09:44.750 --> 01:09:47.710 address them , but it would give 01:09:47.720 --> 01:09:49.831 everybody perhaps a little more sense 01:09:49.831 --> 01:09:52.420 of agency in terms of how the meetings 01:09:52.420 --> 01:09:55.560 are conducted . And and we could and it 01:09:55.560 --> 01:09:57.727 could give the Air Force a heads up to 01:09:57.727 --> 01:09:59.727 perhaps do a little homework . It's 01:09:59.727 --> 01:09:59.720 like , okay , we're going to get 01:09:59.720 --> 01:10:01.387 questions about this . Just a 01:10:01.387 --> 01:10:04.020 suggestion from the friendly peanut 01:10:04.020 --> 01:10:05.853 gallery out here . Thank you . I 01:10:05.853 --> 01:10:07.964 appreciate your time . That's a great 01:10:07.964 --> 01:10:10.190 suggestion . Yes , sir . Um So at this 01:10:10.190 --> 01:10:13.090 point in time , I would also invite you 01:10:13.090 --> 01:10:16.640 to , you can send me an email so that I 01:10:16.640 --> 01:10:18.584 make sure that I've got your email 01:10:18.584 --> 01:10:20.751 addresses as well . Um , you can reach 01:10:20.751 --> 01:10:23.380 me . My name is misty Mercado and that 01:10:23.380 --> 01:10:26.980 is M I S T Y dot 01:10:27.360 --> 01:10:31.230 M E R C A D O at 01:10:31.240 --> 01:10:34.190 us dot af dot mil . 01:10:35.160 --> 01:10:37.382 You can make sure that you reach out to 01:10:37.382 --> 01:10:39.049 me with your personal contact 01:10:39.049 --> 01:10:41.216 information . So then that way , prior 01:10:41.216 --> 01:10:43.327 to the next quarterly meeting , I can 01:10:43.327 --> 01:10:45.438 do just that I will proactively reach 01:10:45.438 --> 01:10:47.660 out to all those that are in attendance 01:10:47.660 --> 01:10:49.827 um for those whose contact information 01:10:49.827 --> 01:10:51.716 that I have so that I can get the 01:10:51.716 --> 01:10:53.716 questions that you may have and and 01:10:53.716 --> 01:10:55.882 make sure to get those in front of our 01:10:55.882 --> 01:10:58.049 Civil Engineering organization earlier 01:10:58.049 --> 01:11:00.271 than the meeting and and do just that . 01:11:00.271 --> 01:10:59.690 Yes , sir . 01:11:03.860 --> 01:11:06.560 Good . Well , thank you so much 01:11:06.570 --> 01:11:08.792 everybody for your attendance tonight . 01:11:08.792 --> 01:11:10.848 And again , this information will be 01:11:10.848 --> 01:11:13.014 available on the website tomorrow . So 01:11:13.014 --> 01:11:15.181 thank you for your time this evening . 01:11:15.181 --> 01:11:17.403 Uh , this is Shane thomas Kottkamp with 01:11:17.403 --> 01:11:19.570 the Air Force Civil Engineers Center . 01:11:19.570 --> 01:11:21.459 I just wanted to make one comment 01:11:21.459 --> 01:11:23.570 before we close tonight and that's in 01:11:23.570 --> 01:11:25.792 regards to the remedial investigation , 01:11:25.792 --> 01:11:27.903 Chris Gorky and I worked together the 01:11:27.903 --> 01:11:30.070 program , the remedial investigation . 01:11:30.070 --> 01:11:32.292 I just want to inform the group of just 01:11:32.292 --> 01:11:34.459 how robust this investigation is going 01:11:34.459 --> 01:11:36.910 to be . It's gonna very much assist us 01:11:36.910 --> 01:11:40.220 in understanding uh nature instant of 01:11:40.230 --> 01:11:42.910 the P five impact at Canon . So I 01:11:42.910 --> 01:11:45.077 strongly encourage anyone who's on the 01:11:45.077 --> 01:11:47.330 call since chris is working access 01:11:47.330 --> 01:11:49.690 agreements , it's critical for us to be 01:11:49.690 --> 01:11:51.857 able to sample as many locations as we 01:11:51.857 --> 01:11:54.150 can . I . E . That would be cultural 01:11:54.150 --> 01:11:57.470 Wells , Domestic Wells Soul 01:11:57.480 --> 01:12:01.150 sediment . Uh If you look at what chris 01:12:01.150 --> 01:12:03.400 and I worked together to program as far 01:12:03.400 --> 01:12:05.850 as the remedial investigation , it's 01:12:05.850 --> 01:12:07.961 going to be quite thorough because as 01:12:07.961 --> 01:12:10.180 we well know people's constituents or 01:12:10.180 --> 01:12:14.080 ubiquitous out there . And uh with 01:12:14.080 --> 01:12:16.150 that being said , uh I appreciate 01:12:16.150 --> 01:12:19.250 christmas on moving this forward and 01:12:19.260 --> 01:12:23.060 uh I am looking forward 01:12:23.070 --> 01:12:25.600 to the data because everyone here knows 01:12:25.600 --> 01:12:27.489 that , you know , data drives the 01:12:27.489 --> 01:12:30.090 program . So with that being said , uh , 01:12:30.100 --> 01:12:31.989 I appreciate everyone on the call 01:12:31.989 --> 01:12:34.156 tonight . It was really good to see Mr 01:12:34.156 --> 01:12:36.270 stop . Uh , Mr Bradley . Good to see 01:12:36.270 --> 01:12:38.800 you , sir . Uh and I wish everyone good 01:12:38.800 --> 01:12:40.190 evening over . 01:12:45.160 --> 01:12:48.210 Yeah , give me a call . We'll talk 01:12:48.210 --> 01:12:50.080 about how to get there . 01:12:53.060 --> 01:12:55.004 Thank you everyone for tonight . I 01:12:55.004 --> 01:12:56.380 appreciate your time . All right .