Professional Enhancement Center

The Professional Enhancement Center: For questions or concerns regarding things like re-enlistment, re-training, retention or other significant benchmarks pertaining to an Air Force career, one of the most critical resources Air Commandos have available is the Career Assistance Advisor at Cannon's PEC. Base CAAs act as the principal advisor to base leadership on a wide range of personnel issues. The CAA program is designed to assist supervisors when talking to subordinates regarding the overarching benefits of an Air Force career.

First Term Airmen Center

The First Term Airmen Center: The mission of FTAC is to transition first-duty station airmen from the controlled environment of Basic Training and Technical School to one that is mission-oriented with self-discipline, while providing a stream-lined process for base in-processing.

PEC Courses

Bullet Writing - Enhance your military writing style while improving general knowledge of existing reference sources.

Feedback Tips - Overview of ways to conduct performance feedbacks, along with outline options and discussion points.

John C. Maxwell 360 Degree Leadership
- Teaches Airmen that no matter where they fall within organizations, they can be leaders. Focuses on styles and approaches to leadership, while dispelling myths believed about leadership priciples.

Leadership Styles
- Teaches troops how to identify individual leader styles and adjust for various personality types. 

PEC Seminars

Comprehensive professional enhancement seminars and courses are conducted for CGOs, SNCOs, NCOs and airmen routinely through the Professional Enhancement Center. Members are able to access the most current listing, as well as register, through the PEC SharePoint site.

Informed Decision - Mandatory for first and second term Airmen who are within 12-15 months of their Date of Separation.

NCOPE - Geared toward staff and technical sergeants who have not attended any formal PME [professional military education] within the past two or three years.

SNCOPE - For newly selected master sergeants; serves as refresher to augment and reinforce information typically gained through a combination of Basic Military Training, technical training, and job experience.


Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 0730-1630
Location: Bldg 1225, Ste 117
Phone: 575-784-7041


Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 0730-1630
Location: Bldg 1225, Ste 113
Phone: 575-784-2499


Wednesday's at 1300 in the PEC.

Supervisor Factsheet
FTAC Airman Policy Letter