CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, New Mexico -- The 27th Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron Explosive Ordnance Disposal flight invited Air Commandos with the 27th Special Operations Wing to participate in their 3rd Annual 132 workout Nov. 9, 2016, at the base fitness center.
"The workout is in honor of the 132 EOD Technicians in the Navy, Army, Marine Corps and Air Force who have made the ultimate sacrifice since September 11, 2001,” said Master Sgt. Jeremy Phillips, 27th SOCES EOD flight chief.
The strenuous workout included nearly 600 repetitions of various exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, burpees and more, all completed while wearing a 20-pound vest or body armor.
"Several EOD flights have conducted this workout so far," Phillips said. "The EOD community is a family regardless of service."
The workout consisted of four rounds of 65-65-16 sets. The four rounds of exercises represented each military service branch, the 65-repetition sets represented the number of EOD technicians lost and the 16-rep sets represented the most important EOD safety procedures—steps that can decide the difference between life and death. The workout also started and ended with a 400-meter run in honor of the most recent EOD technician losses.
The EOD flight memorial workout has raised nearly $2,000 towards supporting wounded, injured and ill EOD technicians and family members.
"To me this workout means the war is still going on, and we have to keep going,” said 1st Lt. Stephen Hunter, 27th SOCES EOD flight commander. “They would if they were still here."