CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- “Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the entrance of the official party…” The sound of chairs being pushed, shoes shuffling and a collective hush overtakes the room. Breaking the silence is the gentle sound of footsteps and panted breaths.
The 27th Special Operations Wing celebrated the retirement of Military Working Dog Fulda Whiskey 378, 27th Special Operations Security Forces Squadron K-9 during a ceremony here, Nov. 16th, 2021.
“MWD Fulda faithfully served his nation throughout an illustrious career,” said Senior Airman Leah Abelar, 27th SOSFS K-9 handler. “Due to the special positions these dogs hold, their official retirement and adoption by their handlers is most deserved.”
MWD Fulda devoted seven years of his life to the United States Air Force. Serving mostly as an explosive detector dog, he kept countless Americans safe and sound by sniffing and searching for a variety of explosive materials. MWD Fulda spent over 400 days in a deployed environment; he also served on the President’s Secret Service detail, protecting the President, Vice President and the First Lady.
“I think any of his previous handlers would sum Fulda up with three things,” said Major Harlan Glinski, 27 SOSFS commander. “An incredible nose, too smart for his own good and stubborn as could be. It’s impossible to calculate the number of bad guys that were deterred by the mere presence of this animal and the countless lives that he protected and stood watch over: that makes him a true American hero.”
MWD Fulda was adopted by his most recent handler, Staff Sergeant Michael Herman, 27 SOSFS K-9 handler. For his extensive service, MWD Fulda was awarded the certificate of meritorious service.
A final call from Command Post wished MWD Fulda a warm farewell from the service, and the traditional drink of water or soda out of dog bowls by the humans in attendance brought the ceremony to an end. The 27 SOW would like to say thank you to MWD Fulda and we wish him an easy retirement!